Partial Lunar Eclipse 18th September @ 3:12AM Wajib Namaz Ayat
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Prayer Times

Date 19/09 20/09
Imsaak: 04:50 04:51
Fajr: 05:00 05:01
Sunrise: 06:46 06:47
Zohr: 13:03 13:02
Maghrib: 19:18 19:16

Salamun alaykum,

Imam Husayn a.s delivers final address :

On the day of 'Ashura, before the final encounter took place, Imam Husayn a.s. faced the army of Yazid under the command of Umar bin Sa’ad and tried to advise them for the last time in the following words:

After praising Allah and praying for the blessings of Allah on His Messenger, Imam Husayn said: "O people of Iraq! Listen to me and do not make haste to kill me so that I may tell you what I must, and apprise you of the reason for my coming to Iraq. If you accept my excuse, believe in what I say, and behave towards me fairly, you will level for yourselves the path of prosperity, and then you will have no reason to kill me. And even if you do not accept my excuse and deviate from the path of justice, you must ponder over the pros and cons of the matter before you kill me, and should not undertake such a delicate task rashly and without deliberation. My supporter is the Almighty Allah Who has revealed the Qur'an. Allah guards His deserving slaves".

O people! Identify me and see who I am. Then you will come to your senses and reproach yourselves. You should reflect carefully whether it is permissible for you to kill me and to disregard the reverence due to me.

O Men! Trace my ancestry, see who am I and then refer to your own hearts and blame yourselves. See if it is right for you to kill me, son of the daughter of your Prophet, son of his successor, son of his cousin and son of the first one among the believers who believed in the truth of the message of the Messenger of Allah? Is not Hamza, the leader of the martyrs, uncle of my father? Is not Ja'far, the one who is flying in the Paradise with his wings, my uncle?

Haven't you heard what the Messenger of Allah has said about me and my brother that, "These two are the leaders of the youngsters of Paradise"? so if you testify to the truth of what I have said, then it will be a right thing to do. And, by Allah, I have never lied because I know that Allah hates those who lie. And if you think that I am a liar, then there are some companions of the Prophet still alive among you whom you can ask about what I have said.   Go and ask Jabir bin 'Abdullah al-Ansari, Abu Sa'id al-Khudari, Sahl bin Sa'd as-Sa'idi, Zayd bin Arqam and Anas bin Malik. They will surely tell you that they have heard these sayings about me and my brother from the Messenger of Allah.

Are not these facts enough to prevent you from shedding my blood?If you doubt in these words of the Prophet, then do you doubt that I am the son of the daughter of your Prophet. By Allah, there is no grandson of the Prophet other than me in the East or in the West. Woe unto you! You should tell honestly whether I have killed anyone from amongst you so that you may take revenge! Is it that I have appropriated your wealth and you are claiming it? Have I injured you for which you have risen to compensate for retaliation of an injury?

…O Men! If you do not like me, then let me to go a secure place on the earth far from you.”

In answer to this request, some of the officers of Yazid's army said that "we do not know anything about what you said, we only want you to pay allegiance to Yazid."

The Imam answered: No! By Allah, I will not give you my hand in allegiance like a humiliated person nor will I run away from this encounter as a slave….”

Reference : Nafasul Mahmum by Sheikh Abbas Qummi

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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