Donations and Subscriptions

  Wessex Jamaat Subscription...

I would like to make a Donation to Al Mahdi

Sponsor Muharram/Safar Majalis

Wessex Jamaat Subscription

Membership types

Burial Scheme

New application - One-off fee - £120:

Current Member: Yearly contribution - £130: 

Make a one-off donation to the Burial fund: 

Al Mahdi Madrasah

Payment Options

Alim Fund Donations

Al Mahdi Property Investment

Welfare and Waajibaat



Nazar (Imam Zamin etc):

Radde Mazalim Payment:

Zakatul Fitra, Fidya and Kaffara - Fitra: Wheat @£3/person and Rice @£5/person, Fidya: @£1.50/fast, Kaffara: @£90 (NB: Rates vary annually)

Zakatul Fitra, Fidya & Kaffara

Hawza Levy

Make a monthly donation to the Hawza / Qum Levy £1/month:

Payment Options

Make a one-off donation to the Hawza Levy: