Partial Lunar Eclipse 18th September @ 3:12AM Wajib Namaz Ayat
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Prayer Times

Date 19/09 20/09
Imsaak: 04:50 04:51
Fajr: 05:00 05:01
Sunrise: 06:46 06:47
Zohr: 13:03 13:02
Maghrib: 19:18 19:16

Salamun alaykum,

Restrain injustice and disrespect :

Having established the just social rule, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) had advised the muslims :"O people: If one sees that a government has made oppression its calling, infringes the limits of Divine laws, breaks the covenants and pacts of God, cultivates opposition to the methods and manner of the Prophet of God, and acts sinfully and unjustly among the bondsmen of God under such conditions, anyone who does not by his actions and speech restrain such injustice and disrespect should know that it is God's prerogative to take him to the dwelling place of that oppressive ruler and put both to torment."

Barely 50 years after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w., darkness once again loomed over the horizon. Yazid son of Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan was imposed as a ruler of the Islamic World through fraud and treachery. Yazid openly declared his disbelief in the Holy Prophet of Islam and his Mission, ridiculed the belief in the Day of Judgement, made fun of Islamic prayers; liquor was the common drink in his gatherings, gambling was the order of the day and he indulged in incest without hesitation. Simplicity, which was the pride of Muslims, was being replaced with showiness. Faithful companions of the Holy Prophet were being mistreated and compelled to pay allegiance to Yazid.

To legitimize his rule, Yazid fervently needed the allegiance of Imam Husayn - the grandson of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.w. 

Now Imam Husayn was faced with only two choices: either submit to Yazid or face certain death. His reply to the challenge was clear:"If the religion propagated by Muhammad cannot survive unless I am killed, then O' swords! come and take me."

What happened thereafter is the heartrending tragedy on the plains of Karbala in Iraq, on Ashura the tenth day of the month of Muharram 61 A.H. These shocking events shook the entire Islamic world and re-awakened the conscience of mankind. The tragedy of Karbala eventually proved to be the salvation of the faith and victory of truth over falsehood.

Ashura: Day of intense grief: Monday 28th December, 2009:

“He for whom the day of Ashura is a day of grief, sorrow and crying, Allah Mighty and Exalted, will make the day of resurrection a day of joy and happiness for him.” (Imam Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha a.s.)

  • When we meet on Ashura day let us greet :

Ahlul bayt a.s. have advised us to condole muminin in the following words:

A’adhamallahu ujurana wa ujurakum bi musaabina bil Husayn alayhis salaam  (May Allah make great our reward and your reward, for our grief on Husayn a.s.)


A’adhamallahu ujurana wa ujurakum bi musaabina bil Husayn alayhis salaam wa ja’alana wa iyyakum min at-taalibina bi thaarihi ma’a waliyyihil Imamal Mahdiyyi min aali Muhammadin ‘alayhimuu salaam (May Allah make great our reward and your reward, for our grief on Husayn a.s. May He place us and you from those who help his cause with His representative, the guided Imam from the family of Muhammad, peace be on them)

  • Recite Suratul Ikhlas 1000 times or as many times as possible. According to hadith, Allah SWT looks with mercy at a person who recites Suratul Ikhlas on the day of Ashura.
  • Recite salawat in abundance.
  • Perform A'mal of Ashura including Ziyarate Ashura.

"O Safwan! Allah has sworn that one who recites my grandfather's (Imam Husayn ) ziyarat from near or afar, and raises his hands to seek his desires after reciting this ziyarat, shall find Allah fulfilling his desires.Allah, on account of this ziyarat, shall not let disappointment and dejection befall his servant. Allah will bestow him with nothing less than Paradise and immunise him from the Fire. His stature shall be elevated manifold, so that he will be bestowed with powers of intercession on the day of resurrection. O Safwaan! Reciting Ziyarat of Imam Husayn (a.s) is equal to Ziyarat of Allah at the Arsh (throne)." Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir a.s.   (Bihar al-Anwar vol.98 pg 300)

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Member of the Council of European Jamaats
Member of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board



Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Member of the Council of European Jamaats

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