Partial Lunar Eclipse 18th September @ 3:12AM Wajib Namaz Ayat
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Prayer Times

Date 19/09 20/09
Imsaak: 04:50 04:51
Fajr: 05:00 05:01
Sunrise: 06:46 06:47
Zohr: 13:03 13:02
Maghrib: 19:18 19:16

Salamun alaykum

The Blitz: 70th Anniversary:

The Blitz was the continued bombing of Britain by Nazi Germany during the Second World War (1941). It hit many towns and cities across the country including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Southampton, Portsmouth and other important Centers. Over 1000 people died in Portsmouth as a result of the bombing.

Among the events organised to observe the 70th Anniversary of the Blitz was a service to remember those who died during the bombing, including survivors retelling their memories. Members of the wider community acknowledged the participation of Wessex Jamaat in the Commemoration Service held on 16th January, 2011 at the city’s Anglican Cathedral.

The highlight of the Service event was the interviews by the Dean with four survivors of the bombing raids of 10 January 1941.  The survivors graphically described the incidents that transpired at that time. All were moved by the touching memories of these survivors.

It is understood that this function was going to be the last remembrance commemoration of the Blitz. Sadly to note that it has only lasted a generation. This implies that, another 70 years down the line, the children living in that future age of 2080 onwards would neither be fully aware of the suffering their ancestors had gone through nor have lessons of History on which to mould their living.

Our Commemoration Ceremonies:

As we draw close to Arba’in: the forty days since the martyrdom of the Chief of martyrs Imam Husayn a.s. on the day of Ashura and the end of periods of mourning over the martyrs of Karbala the foregoing is an important lesson for us.

Our 4th Imam Ali Zaynul Abidin a.s , the only adult male survivor of Ashura, narrated the sad events of Ashura from the moment when it took place in the year 61 A.H. Subsequently the Imams have exhorted the observance of these sessions to recall the tragic episode. These commemoration ceremonies, commonly referred to as Azadari, have now been held for more than 1370 years such that they have a pivotal place in all our religious functions where young and old, do take part. This is the thread which is holding the Shia community united together like the beads in the rosary.

In these Azadari programmes not only are the atrocities upon the Ahlul Bayt by the Banu Umayya recalled, but the community is ignited to revive their commitment to live life as per the way of Ahlul Bayt especially the objective of Aba Abdillah Imam Husayn to uphold Truth and Justice and forbidding the evil.

Therefore our commemoration ceremonies must withstand the test of time. Let us strive to safeguard this priceless tradition of holding Azadari and ensuring that our progeny continues to keep this tradition alive. For in this lies the survival and prosperity of our community, Inshallah.

A’dhamallahu ujurana wa ujurakum bi musaabina bil-Husayn alayhis salam (May Allah make great our reward and your reward, for our grief on Husayn a.s.)

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah


Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat

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