Partial Lunar Eclipse 18th September @ 3:12AM Wajib Namaz Ayat
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Prayer Times

Date 20/09 21/09
Imsaak: 04:51 04:54
Fajr: 05:01 05:04
Sunrise: 06:47 06:49
Zohr: 13:02 13:02
Maghrib: 19:16 19:14

Ramadhan_Dua_-_Day_12Hadith of the Day:

Imam Sadiq (as) said: “The best of the months is the month of God – the month of Ramadhan – and the heart of the month of Ramadhan is the Night of Qadr.”

Biharal-Anwar, Vol.: 93, Pg.: 386

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