Dear Mu’mineen,
Salamun alaykum,
The day of Arafah is one of the most sacred days on the calendar.
“O Allah This is the day of Arafah, a day which You have made noble, given honour and magnified within it. You have spread your mercy, showed kindness through Your pardon, made plentiful your giving and by it you have been gracious towards Your servants.”
(4th Imam Ali Zaynul Abidin a.s. in Sahifa As Sajjadiya Dua 47.)
Significance of the day of Arafah;
The A’maal programme for the Yawmul Arafah- Day of Arafah- will InshAllah be held tomorrow Sunday 11th August, 2019 after completion of Dhuhrayn Salatul Jamaat, InshAllah. Time for Dhuhr: 1:14pm
One of the highly recommended recitations in the A’maal for the day of Arafah is the Dua Arafat, a supplication by Imam Husayn (as). In order to adequately prepare for connecting to the supplication on a spiritual level read 13 tips to help prepare your recitation of this dua.
For Amal details visit
All attendees are requested to bring the relevant dua books such as Mafatihul Jinan, Almanac for reference during the session.
Iltimasi dua.
With salams and duas,
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat