Prayer Times

Date 07/03 08/03
Imsaak: 04:48 04:45
Fajr: 04:58 04:55
Sunrise: 06:35 06:33
Zohr: 12:20 12:20
Maghrib: 18:06 18:08

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The A'amal to be performed on the first day of every Islamic month.


Recite 2 Rakat salah in the following manner :

Niyyah :

I pray two rakat salah of the first day of the month sunnat qurbatan ilal laah (to seek nearness to Allah)

In first rakat after Suratul Fatiha once recite Thirty times Sura Al Ikhlas ( Qulhuwallaahu ahad )

In second rakat after Suratul Fatiha once recite Thirty times Sura Al Qadr ( InnaAnzalnahu)

After salah give sadaqah. Then recite specific duas from Mafatihul Jinan

Benefit :

If one does the above act, he would safeguard himself for the month.
It would mean that as if one has acquired his/her insurance for that month from
Almighty Allah.


To recall the sequence of recitation of surahs, remember the word AQAIN as herebelow:

  • A : Alhamdu
  • Q: Qulhuwallahu
  • A : Alhamdu
  • IN : Inna anzalnahu

Reference : Mafatihul Jinan

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat

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