Module 3
Islamic Perspective on Human Communication
One of the distinguishing characteristics of Islam is its emphasis on community and social interactions. The relation of the individual to society, social nature of human being, universal laws of Allah governing human community, and guidelines on how to communicate, locally and globally, with Muslims and non-Muslims are some of the major social themes of the Qur’an. Issues like kindness, being concerned with Muslims’ affairs, and informed of the situation of relatives and neighbors, promoting virtue and preventing evil, social intimacy, and also numerous communicative concepts such as cooperation (ta‘awun), mutual recognition (mu‘arafah), and interrelationship (muraba’a), depict the outstanding place of communication in the Qur’an.
Relying on Islamic primary sources, and pondering on some of the above-mentioned themes and concept we will discuss the following titles during three weekends:
- The importance of community and communication in Islam
- Interpersonal communication in Islam
- Social communication in Islam
- Inter-cultural and inter-religious communication in Islam
Dr Isa Jahangir
Instructor Profile
Dr Isa Jahangir studied Islamic studies at the Seminary of Qum, and the International Institute for Islamic Studies, completed his BA and MA in Sociology, and a PhD in Culture and Communication Studies. He Has taught different subjects regarding Islamic studies and Muslim social thought. Currently he is the principal of the Islamic College, London (An Academic Partner with Middlesex University). He has published many books and papers on Shia and Islamic studies.
2 week module to be conducted on Saturday 30th May and 6th June 2015.
2 sessions each week:
Al Mahdi Centre
Course fee
£20 for the entire module.
Students receive a 40% discount.
Subsidies available upon request (in confidence).
Donations requested.
Participants are required to register by sending your Name, Contact Number, Email and the date on which the course fees have been paid to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Limited places available. Your place will only be secured upon receipt of your required details by email or a hardcopy alongside payment of the non-refundable course fees. Places will be reserved on a first come first serve basis.
Deadline for Registration
The deadline for registration is Sunday 24th May 2015.
Please CLICK HERE for more information on ALC.
To make the payment online, please visit the Donations and Subscriptions page on our website and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on donate under 'I would like to make a donation to Al Mahdi' and indicate under special instructions that the payment is for Adult Learning Course Module 1.