Press Releases

West Hill Park Visit to Mosque on 13/5/2019

Capture copyIt was a very informative morning and the children gained so much from it.

Eid Message from Dean of Portsmouth Cathedral

Capture copy copyI know it is a time of great joy for you as you come to the end of the holy month of Ramadhan and end your fast. I send greetings from the congregation at the Cathedral, and pray for you and all your community at this time.

Crofton School learns about Sawm and Ramadhan

Crofton School Year 7 and year 8 pupils have been studying Sawm and Ramadan.

The First Interfaith Conference at St. George’s Beneficial CoE School April 2019

C:\Users\fjaffer\Downloads\IMG_0060.JPGThe representatives from other religions such as; Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek Orthodox and Judaism were introduced and Mrs Jaffer talked about the common theme for the day.

St. Faith’s church, Lee-on-the Solent - Evening Visit by Alan Millard

On Wednesday the 5th September, a party from St. Faith’s church, Lee-on-the Solent, travelled by car and minibus to the Al Mahdi mosque in Fareham for an evening’s visit arranged by our curate Steve Dent who has previous links with Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoothe Imam.

GCSE Study day Chichester Cathedral

DSC 4809Clergy and staff at Chichester Cathedral were delighted to host fifty students and their teachers in a
day of learning and activity last Wednesday 27 March.

Thorndean School Visit

S:\Departments\RE\Original Documents\Year 10\MOsque trip\2018\Photographs\IMG_0010.JPGOn Tuesday 20 th December, 66 Year 10 RS GCSE pupils from Thornden School were very
privileged to visit the Al Mahdi Centre at Titchfiled.

Letter to Paris Authorities - Notre Dame Cathedral

The President of The World Federation, Anwarali Bhai Dharamsi, in collaboration with The Council of European Jamaats and its constituent member Jamaats in Paris Mehfile Zainab (Paris North Jamaat) and Muhammadi Imambara ACCIJ (Paris South Jamaat), sent a letter to the President of France, Mayor of Paris and to the Archbishop of Paris on the recent catastrophic fire damage to Notre Dame Cathedral.