Press Releases

Local Imam Visits School


As part of a move to promote Interfaith Activity and Community Cohesion Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo from the Al Mahdi Centre in Fareham spent a lesson talking on the theme of· 'What does it mean to be a Muslim?' to a class of Year 8 students.

Wessex Jamaat Begins New AL MAHDI Building Project

Time_CapsuleBihamdillah by the blessings of Ahlul Bayt a.s. the aspirations of members of the Wessex Jamaat for the New Al Mahdi centre are now drawing to reality.

Meeting With Ayatullah al Udhma, Sheikh Muhammad Ishaq al Fayyadh

Meeting_With_Sheikh_FayazWessex Jamaat was honoured to accompany the President of the Council of European Jamaats, Dr. Husein Jiwa and mu'mineen from various jamaats to pay a courtesy call on Ayatullah al Udhma, Sheikh Muhammad Ishaq al Fayyadh on Wednesday, 2nd March, 2011 in London.

Wessex Jamaat in Newspaper Following School Visit

Imam_helps_recreate_pilgrimagesPUPILS at Wickham CofE Primary School welcomed their local imam to help them explore the idea of pilgrimage.

Wessex Jamaat Meets Religious Education Trainee Teachers

Chichester_1Wessex Jamaat held "Know your Neighbour" programme on Monday 10th January 2011. It invited 14 Religious Education trainee teachers from the University of Chichester to meet with the youth and members of Wessex Jamaat including madrasah teachers.

Muslim Community Lead Prayers at Council Meeting

PortsmouthCityCouncilWithMayorWessex Jamaat Resident Alim, Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo was invited by the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth City Council to offer a prayer at the full council meeting held in public on 25th January, 2011 in the Guildhall Council Chamber.

Wessex Jamaat Undertakes Muharram Feedback Survey

Wessex Jamaat undertook its first ever free on-line survey of its members  on the Muharram 1432 AH programme.  The purpose of this survey was to get feedback on the programme and get ideas on what to do better next year.  The survey was designed using a free on line service.  The questions were approved by the Executive Committee and the link to the survey was sent by email to all 290 members on our email distribution list.  It was followed by 3 reminders.

Wessex Jamaat attends 70th Anniversary of the Blitz at Portsmouth Cathedral

Councillor Gerald Vernon Jackson, Leader: Portsmouth City Council invited the Wessex Jamaat to attend a Prayer Service for the ‘Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Blitz’ held at the Portsmouth Cathedral.

Hospital Appoints Muslim Chaplin

Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has appointed the Resident Alim of Wessex Jamaat as an assistant Hospital Chaplin.