On Friday 5th April, Wessex Jamaat hosted members of the British Region of the International Ecumenical Fellowship (IEF) for an evening as part of their 3-day AGM programme. The IEF is a Christian organisation that seeks to work and worship across the sectarian divides within the church and in keeping with this philosophy, they were keen to develop a deeper understanding of Islam and how the members of Wessex Jamaat interact with wider society.
After being given a tour of the centre, the thirty guests were given the opportunity to observe Salaatul Jamaat, following which attendees and host members of Wessex Jamaat discussed several topics in a round-table format. Discussion topics included how Muslims interact with other faiths and wider society and how we as Muslims work for social justice, peace and the environment within our local communities. The discussions derived inspiration from the message of Imam Hussain (as), whose story was shared with guests, and included the sharing of good practices between our two communities.
The evening concluded with words from the chairman of the British Region of the IEF, followed by sentiments from Shabbir Bhai Walji and finally a prayer led by Reverend Susan Allman, from St Peter’s Church in Titchfield. The visitors left feeling enthused from the positive discussions and with a deeper insight into the message of Islam, which they will share with their families, friends and associates in the work that the IEF do.