Since the new year, Wessex Jamaat has been hosting Fajr programmes at the mosque for gents on Sunday mornings, which has had a great response. Jamaat Salah and Dua recitation is followed by a tasty breakfast and an assortment of games and activities, including table tennis, carrom and even petanque out on the lawn (if you haven’t tried it, you should!). Gents of all ages have found this to be the perfect start to their Sunday morning, by providing a spiritual boost, good food and a great opportunity to relax with other community members in a fun and social environment.
Take a look at the pictures for a glimpse of the activities that go on in the mosque on a Sunday morning. All gents are invited to have fun and positive start to your Sunday morning by joining us at the for Fajr Salah. Please see the circulated emails for timings, which may vary as Salah times change.