"It was very interesting to learn more about Islam. It is good to know you can learn and not just base the religion on what you hear/read in the news".
For the second time this year, members of Bay House School and the Islamic Al Mahdi Centre came together. This time the venue was Bay House School with Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo and Dr Muhammad Abbas joining staff and pupils for a 'question and answer' session in the school library. Prior to this visit, pupils from Bay House School had taken part in a week of activities in order to learn more about the religion of Islam, activities included an assembly, quiz, and debate. Pupils also had the opportunity to reflect on what they had learned and create questions to ask Sheikh Fazle Abbas and Dr Muhammad Abbas.
Over 50 pupils from years 7 to 11 volunteered to take part in the session, which was held on the afternoon of Tuesday 17th October. Before the visit, Sheikh Fazle Abbas has been given a list of questions from the pupils, however once the session had started – this list was not needed. Instead, what took place was one long conversation between Sheikh Fazle Abbas, Dr Muhammad Abbas and the pupils, with pupils asking lots of considered and sensitive questions. Many topics were covered, such as the mosque, festivals celebrated, the challenges of following the religion and modest dress for men and women. The majority of the pupils chose to stay after the end of the school day in order to listen to Sheikh Fazle Abbas and Dr Muhammad Abbas – which is a testament to what a beautiful session it was for all involved. We look forward to working together again in the future.
A few comments from the students included:
"We were encouraged to ask questions about anything and everything to do with the religion".
“It was really interesting to have an insight into the religion and day-to-day life of a Muslim. It was also helpful to discuss the stereotypes”.
“I found it interesting and I learned so much more about Islam”.