Six students from the Department of Theology, Religions and Philosophy at University of Winchester visited Al-Mahdi Centre on Wednesday 30th March 2016. One student was in final year theology course while the rest were second year reading Politics and Theology.
The visit was to allow the students to talk to, and ask questions of, the local Shi'a community, as well as take a tour of the building and understand the spiritual and environmental ethos behind its design. Having learnt about the religion-Islam- for the previous 11 weeks, the trip provided an important opportunity to cement prior study and acquire new knowledge. The trip was arranged by Dr Christina Welch, senior lecturer in Religious Studies and programme leader for the MA in Death, Religion and Culture, who teaches about Islam in the department of Theology, Religion and Philosophy.
After a tour of the centre the session commenced with an ice breaker activity.
Students' expectations:
- Exchange ideas
- Learn more about Islam and especially Shia
- How is the Wessex Community engaging with the wider community
The students were particularly interested to learn first-hand about the Shias and its differences between the two Muslim traditions. All found it enjoyable and interesting.
The guests were hosted by Sabirabai Dorey, Dr Mohamedabbas Jaffer and Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo. Gift of Books was presented to the visitors.
Feedback received from the students
One thing I have learnt today:
• More about the Shia
• So much and all information was willingly given
• It's been a joy to meet the people here and learn more about the community
• A lovely space, environment friendly centre and stewardship in Islam
• Confronted stereotypes
• Desire of community to have a green environment
• Symbolism: rings and stones, the flag (alam), shrines
One negative thing I leave behind today :
• Leave behind ignorance
• The misinformation against the Shias
Dr Welch hopes to bring more students to Al Mahdi in future years and on behalf of the students, thanks the community for their hospitality.
Quote from students:
"really interesting trip" and "great opportunity to learn first-hand about Shi'a islam".