Dear Mu’mineen
Salamun alaykum,
Together with the Portsmouth Cathedral it has been a tradition in our community to have joint Annual Muslim Christian Evening on Christmas occasion. This is a prominent event annually undertaken by Wessex Jamaat in our Interfaith programmes.
The Annual Muslim Christian Gathering, this year will be the 26th instant since the first meeting in 1994. Much has been achieved over these more than twenty years, not least a strong bond of friendship between the Cathedral and Wessex Jamaat.
This annual gathering will take place online InshAllah on Tuesday 26th January, 2021 from 7:00pm.
The purposes of this programme are as follows:
1. Share a common understanding of Islam with people from the local community
2. Seek out opportunities for communicating the message of Islam and the Ahlulbayt (AS) through networking.
3. Demonstrate through our presence the importance Islam gives to building of relationships with the Neighbour.
The programme will include recitations from the Bible, Noble Qur’an and address from the two faith communities. This will be followed by conversations in break out rooms on the following themes:
- What impact has the pandemic had on your worshipping community?
- What new things have you learned?
- What will you do differently in the future?
The evening will end with Plenary session to share what we have discussed.
Mu’mineen are requested to ‘attend’ in large numbers. Register your participation through one of these links:
via Portsmouth Cathedral website:
or on Eventbrite:
Anyone who has registered will receive the Zoom link automatically a day beforehand, and also again half an hour before. Registering in advance will facilitate the allocation of break out rooms for the group discussions.
Your attendance will strengthen understanding in the community, help build relationships across faiths and contribute towards tableegh.
With salams and duas,
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat