Death Announcement - Portsmouth

Death Announcement - Portsmouth

Dear Mu’mineen
Salamun alaykum,

It is with sadness that we are informing you of the demise of Marhuma Laila Bai Muhammad Versi, daughter of Gulamali Abdulrasul (Soda), who passed away in Portsmouth today, 15th October 2019.
The funeral will be held on Wednesday 16th October 2019.
Salatul Mayyit will be recited at 11:45am at Al Mahdi Centre, Fontley Road, Fareham, PO15 6QR, Hampshire followed by Burial at Wickham Road Cemetery, Fareham, PO16 7HX at 12:30pm.

Marhuma is the mother of Sibtain Bhai Versi.

We extend our sincere & heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May Allah (SWT) grant them all with Sabr-e-Jameel to bear this loss and may He grant the Marhuma a lofty station with the Ma'sumeen (as).

Please remember the Marhuma by reciting Sura Fateha and/or Salatul Wahshat/Hadiya-e-Mayyit.

With du’as