The Friday Message | Risalatul Juma

Friday Message

The Friday Message - Issue No: 397 - Sharpen your eyesight

Issue no: 397
1st July 2022
1st Dhulhijjah, 1443 A.H.

THE FRIDAY MESSAGE - Issue No: 395 - Will you desert the Imam?

Issue no: 395
13th May, 2022
11th Shawwaal, 1443 A.H.

The Friday Message – Issue No: 394 - Farewell Dua for Jum’atul Wida- The Last Friday

Issue No: 394
29th April 2022
27th Shahrur Ramadhan, 1443 A.H

The Friday Message - Issue No: 392 - Will we be Victorious?

Issue no: 392
15th April 2022
13th Shahru Ramadhan 1443 A.H

The Friday Message - Issue No: 391 - Are we happy at the arrival of Shahru Ramadhan?

Issue no: 391
8th April 2022
6th Shahru Ramadhan, 1443 A.H

The Friday Message - Issue No: 390 - 8 tips Preparing for Shahru Ramadhan

Issue no: 390
31st March 2022
27th Sha'baan, 1443 A.H

The Friday Message - Issue No: 389 - Who will Deliver us from this Chaotic World?

Issue no: 389
18th March 2022
14th Sha'baan, 1443 A.H

The Friday Message - Issue No: 388 - Will you support the Noble Prophet?

“O people of Yathrib! I am the bearer of news from the Messenger of Allah. Know that Sh’abaan is shahri; my month. May Allah have mercy upon one who supports me in this month.”

The Friday Message - Issue No: 387 - What will you respond to the 12th Imam?

Issue No: 387
25th February 2022
23rd Rajab, 1443 A.H.