Issue No: 210
19th September 2014
23rd Dhulqada 1435 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Why are you on Earth?
Have you ever pondered on the above question? When this question is posed to a group of people drawn from different backgrounds, obviously the anticipated responses would be greatly varied in all aspects. Some of the expected responses would range from: ‘have fun, enjoy life, still searching for an answer, a re-incarnation, ask my parents, to even ‘I don’t know!’....And so on goes the list of responses.
What will be your response?
The Noble Qur’an provides us with the response that a purpose for creation of man on Earth is to be a khalifa –steward- of Almighty Allah on this earth.
“Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to place a vicegerent on earth." (Sura Al-Baqara 2:30) The verse underscores the purpose for creation of man; to be a steward of God on this earth. Thus the creation of earth.
A great responsibility: it’s not part-time
As stewards of this planet earth, man has been charged with an important assignment. This is to tend well this earth on which we live as our home. This responsibility is not part time. It is such that it is not limited to a particular age or time. It is one that is full time; it is a life time responsibility.
Creation of our home: the Earth:
Alluding to the spread of the earth, the Noble Qur’an states,“…and after that He spread out the earth.” (Sura An-Naazi-at. 79:30).
"Dahwul Ardh" literally meaning "the spread of the earth" took place on the 25th of Dhulqa'dah. On this day Allah spread out all the land on the earth from the point under the Ka’aba for the advantage of human beings.
In another tradition it is reported that the first Rahmah; Blessing descended on this very day. This is also the day when Prophet Adamwas sent to Earth. This day is also the birthday of two great Prophets, Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), and Prophet Isa bin Maryam (Jesus), peace be upon them.
This year the Dahwul ardh date falls on Sunday 21st September, 2014. Five things to do on this day: See separate email broadcast.
Is Dahwul Ardh applicable in the present era?
In these times when pollution, climate change, greenhouse effect, depletion of ozone layer and conservation of the environment has been and is still a focus for discussion and action at local and international levels, then definitely man, as Khalifa/ Trustee /Steward on this earth, has an obligation to protect and conserve the environment.
In response to widespread environmental degradation the United Nations, on February 26, 1971, officially proclaimed the March Equinox (which is often March 20th) as Earth Day. The occasion Dahwul Ardh has beencelebrated by muslims for more than 1400 years.
Reflect on your role:
As stewards of the earth Dahwul Ardh presents an opportunity for us to appreciate our ‘home’ -the earth. It highlights the essential role for a steward to practice conservation of our environment. This environment is for both thephysical dimension (conservationwater, energy, environment etc) and spiritual dimension by conserving taqwa).By fulfilling this role of conservation one does ibadah;an act of worship. The teachings from the Quran and Ahadith of Ahlul Bayt a.s. encourage us (using a modern term)to ‘be green’.
Ponder over this God given blessing of the Earth; our home .What is the earth? Why was the earth created? Do we benefit from the earth for the purpose it was created? Are we making the earth a shelter of peace, or an arena of disunity, war and pollution? What is the remedy for these crises?
Let Dahwul ardh be a celebration of true faith and concern, and a celebration of thanking Ar Rahman, Al Khaaliq -the All-Merciful Creator- who created the world- our home for our own good. Is not being a responsible steward an act of ibadah?
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat