The Friday Message - Issue No: 15 - Event of Mubahala

Issue No: 15 11th December 2009 23rd Dhulhijjah 1430 AH Salamun alaykum, In addition to Eid ul Mubahala and revelation of the Sura Al Insan, (Sura No:76) also commonly known as Sura Ad Dahr or Hal ata. another significant historical event that took place during this final week of the month of Dhulhijjah is the granting of his ring as charity by Amirul Muminin Imam Ali bin Abi Talib a....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 15 - Event of Mubahala

Salamun alaykum,

In addition to Eid ul Mubahala and revelation of the Sura Al Insan, (Sura No:76) also commonly known as Sura Ad Dahr or Hal ata..; another significant historical event that took place during this final week of the month of Dhulhijjah is the granting of his ring as charity by Amirul Muminin Imam Ali bin Abi Talib a.s; to a beggar, while he was in ruku.

(A) It is reported on the authority of Abu Dhar Al Ghiffari, a renowned companion of Holy Prophet, that:”One day I said my prayers in the company of the Holy Prophet; a beggar came to the masjid and begged for alms, but nobody gave him anything. Ali was in a state of ruku in the prayer. He pointed out his ring to the beggar, who approached him and removed the ring from his finger. Thereupon the Holy Prophet implored Allah, saying: 'O Allah! My brother Musa begged You saying: My Lord, delight my heart and make my task easy and undo the knot in my tongue so that they may understand me, and appoint from among my kinsmen, Harun, my brother, as my vizier, and strengthen my back with him and make him participate in my mission so that we may glorify You and remember You more frequently. Certainly You see us-and You inspired him: O Musa! All your requests have been granted.

(Then Holy Prophet continued) Delight my heart and make my task easy and appoint from among my kinsmen Ali as my vizier and strengthen my back with him'.

(Abu Dhar proceeds) By Allah, the Holy Prophet had not yet finished his supplication when the trustworthy Jibril descended to him with this verse: Verily, your Master (wali) is only Allah and His Apostle and those who believe, those who establish prayers, and pay the zakat while in ruku ".

All the scholars and commentators of holy qur’an unanimously hold, that this verse Surah Al Maaida 5:55  refers to Imam Ali a.s. when he gave his ring to a beggar while bowing down in the course of his prayers.

It clearly shows that there are only three masters of the believers. Firstly, Allah secondly, His Prophet and thirdly, Imam Ali a.s. (with the eleven succeeding Imams).

(B) An important occasion of the interaction of the muslim community led by the holy Prophet s.a.w.w. with the Christian delegation from Najran took place leading to Mubahala on 24th Dulhijjah 9 A.H.


Recommended  a’mal for the day of Eid ul Mubahala:

Perform Sunnah ghusl, apply perfume, observe fast and pray a 2 Raka't Salaat just before noon time. In every Raka't, after the recitation of Surah Al Fatiha, recite:  10 times each  Sura Al Ikhlas, Aayat ul Kursi and Sura Al Qadr.

On this auspicious event let us do fervent dua for acceptance of our hajat. Remember to pray for the parents, family, community, Marja taqlid, Ulama, our leaders, the sick ones, departed souls, the Ummah, for all who have their hajat and special mention for success in our new Al Mahdi centre project.


Heartiest Felicitations on the Auspicious Occasion of Eid ul Mubahala.


Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


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