Issue No: 198
9th May 2014
9th Rajab 1435 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Barbecue season: soon to come:
The seasonal items on the shelves in the supermarkets have been changed to cater for requirements of the spring and summer seasons. Amongst the display of goods ranging from sun tan lotions to outdoor furniture one can’t miss the stack of barbecue paraphernalia including matchsticks, firelighters, fuel and disposable barbecue sets.
Soon the Country Parks, Camping sites and Park Common Areas all around the Nation will become swarmed with people to enjoy the heat expected in summer. On such days an item of fun which is not missed out is the lighting of barbecues or bonfires to prepare food for eating in the open.
Lighting a barbecue:
In those days when the disposable barbecue sets were not yet in use, lighting a barbecue was not as easy as it has now become. Thin, light, dry twigs would be gathered and then placed next to the pieces of coal or logs of wood for setting the fire. Then a flint or match stick would be used to light up the thin twigs whilst blowing hard over them. As the tiny flames on the twigs become larger they would set on fire the larger pieces of coal or logs of wood. Finally the flames would dance high with the coal or logs all now glowing hot. This is when the barbecue is ready……
A critical role:
The burning of the larger coal pieces is dependent on the smaller twigs.
It is the setting to fire of the thin twigs that leads to the blazing of the barbecue.
The sins become a habit
One is aware of the major sins such as adultery, murder, gambling, alcohol consumption and others that invite great Divine wrath. Daily one is striving utmost to distance oneself from committing the major sins.
However there are some sins which don’t need much effort and commonly they are wrongly estimated to be insignificant. Without realizing, these deeds of sin multiply in course of actions and end up becoming a habit. Some examples are such as speaking a lie, glancing at na mahram, lack of
hijab, use of swear words, disobedience to parents and other discourteous manners.
Wisdom from the 7th Imam:
The 7th day of Rajab, the 7th month, is dedicated to our beloved seventh Imam and observed as Imam Musa Al Kadhim Day. In a hadith the Imam states, “..the small & little sins are among the deceits & tricks of Shaytan. He makes them insignificant for you and belittles them in your eyes. So these sins get multiplied and become plenty in number thus surrounding you..”
Beware of the twigs:
It is these ‘light’ sins which are considered insignificant that one falls into doing and later they become part of one’s habit. These ‘light sins’ can be considered like the twigs. The ‘twig sins’ are lethal. Why? For they can set off the huge flames of the major sins leading one to finally end up in the barbecue of hell.
Identify your twig sin:
As you continue enjoying the blessed bounties of the auspicious month of Rajab shall you not identify these ‘twig sins’ for yourself and be cautious of them? Will you rip these ‘twig sins’ off you?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat