Issue No: 191
7th March 2014
5th Jamadi ul Awwal 1435 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
'International Women's Day':
In 1919 at an International Women's Conference in Copenhagen the establishment of an annual 'International Woman's Day' was agreed with the idea as a strategy to promote equal rights, including suffrage (the right to vote), for women. Tomorrow, Saturday, March 8th 2014, will mark the 104th anniversary of International Women's Day. This day is a globally designated date agreed by the United Nations to recognise the accomplishments of women past and present. It symbolises the long standing struggle of women of all ethnic, religious and social backgrounds who have been deprived of equalities. The day is an occasion for celebrating worldwide efforts that seek to rebalance the status of women.
The social tsunami:
1400 years ago in the Arabian Peninsula women were not afforded any rights whatsoever. They were considered as chattels to be counted by man as possessions along with animals and other belongings. Even the right of life was denied. Female infanticide was the norm of the day in Ayyamul Jaahiliyyah- the Age of Ignorance.
Some people wrongly accuse that Islam deprives women of their basic rights. In fact, the announcement of the message of Islam over 1400 years ago brought about a social revolution in mankind. The teachings of the Noble Qur'an and beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWW effected a 'social tsunami' that set into motion a huge change in how society viewed women.
Over a short period of time women became empowered. They were given status of equality to men with the right to life, ownership of property, inheritance, freedom and they were no longer regarded as property to be owned by the male gender.
The Noble Prophet, as the husband to Sayyida Khadija and father to Sayyida Fatima, provided most outstanding role model in recognising and respecting the rights of women in their various functions of living. The lives of Sayyida Khadija, Sayyida Fatima and her two daughters Sayyida Zaynab and Sayyida Ummi Kulthum are paradigms of the empowerment of women in Islam. These noble ladies presented the legitimate female participation in all walks of life including leadership, politics, education, business and social sectors. Indeed they are eternal role models for both men and women.
Hero of feminism:
It is essential to note that the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAWW was able to do more for women during his lifetime, especially in just the short period of 23 years of his risalah- messengership- than anybody else; including the feminist leaders in the history of mankind. The earliest instance of record of feminist leader Marie de France is in the 12th century. Further not only has Islam liberated women from the evil practices that are still being followed in many societies of the world, but also protected and granted the basic rights to them, some of which have been adapted in recent times.
Points for reflection:
Today how faithful is a muslim to the shar'i –legitimate- empowerment of women?
Is it not sad to note that due to cultural influences in some families, communities and regions Islam is being (mis)used to deny women their rights which have been safeguarded by this Divine message of Islam?
Does not the provision of shar'i – legitimate opportunities for women participation equal to their male counterparts enable the women to realise their full potential and lead to the formation of an enlightened and prosperous ummah?
During these two months of Jamaadi ul Ula and Jamaadi ul Thaani, as you celebrate the auspicious occasions of the birth anniversaries of the two noble personalities (Sayyida Fatima a.s. and Sayyida Zaynab a.s.) who were the main players of the social revolution initiated by the Noble Prophet to have mankind recognise and elevate the status of women reflect on your commitment to the shar'i –legitimate- empowerment of women?
Do you recognise and encourage this at all levels of society including the home, family, community and the ummah?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat