Issue No: 187
31st January 2014
29th Rabiul Awwal 1435 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Hijra- another form:
By announcing the message of Tawhid –Unity of God- and Nubuwwat –Messengership- amongst the aristocratic society of the Quraysh in Makka, the Noble Prophet had set into motion the journey of establishing the ummah; a community submitting in obedience to the Divine message of Islam. This was an emigration –hijra- and it was a critical turning point for the new muslims. Unlike the physical hijra to Madina this was the hijra of the self- the nafs. They were undergoing a hijra-emigration- from the practices of disbelief and idol worship to the submission to Allah SWT. Like the Hijra to Madina this form of hijra too was a turning point in Islamic history that has had an impact upon the world and is continuing to do so till today.
The majority of the people in the society were disbelievers or idol worshippers. The shape of the society was changing where the new muslims who had renounced disbelief and idol worship were now living, as neighbours, side by side with non- muslims. The period of life which the Noble Prophet and the nascent muslim community passed among the hard-hearted people of Makka was not without its severe challenges from the Quraysh pagan arabs. So too was the case in Madina where there was a large Jewish community as well as some other Arab tribes in Madina who had not accepted Islam.
The Noble Prophet established good relations with other non-muslim communities. Notwithstanding the hostile and unwelcome behaviour from their neighbours, the Noble Prophet exhorted the muslims on numerous occasions to always maintain cordiality with their neighbours.
Good neighbourliness: An indicator of belief:
“Maintain good relations with your neighbours that you may be (proven to be) a muslim.” Noble Holy Prophet SAWW.
This tradition of the Prophet is significant with respect to one’s devotion. The underlying message coming through is that the maintaining of pleasantness with ones neighbours is an indicator of one’s level of Eiman - submission to Islam.
Guided by this prophetic commandment the muslims slowly, but surely had an impact on their neighbours in the society, both in Makkah and Madina.
Your neighbour today:
We as muslims are a community who have undertaken the process of hijra / migration for various reasons such as education, refugees, employment, economic gain or in one way or the other for a better way of living.
Having undertaken hijra how is ones attitude, form of behaviour whilst interacting with the wider community of other faiths or no faith in different zones such as at home, work place, shopping malls, on the roads and other instances?
Is it complying with the pronouncement of the Noble Prophet ?
What impact does one have upon them as one’s neighbours ?
Does it reflect a high level of one’s eiman ?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat