The Friday Message - Issue No: 06

Issue No: 06 9th October 2009 18th Shawwal 1430 AH Salamun alaykum, Immunity from the fire of hell: : Our eighth holy Imam Ali Ridha (a. s....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 06

Salamun alaykum,

Immunity from the fire of hell: :

Our eighth holy Imam Ali Ridha (a.s.) reports that the holy prophet (s.a.w.w.) said, “The day of jum’a ( Friday) is the chief of all the (other) days. On this day Allah multiplies ones good deeds, wipes out ones evil deeds, elevates ones status, accepts the supplications, wards of the calamities, fulfills the great needs and it is the day when the dwellers of hell are freed in abundance. One who having known its sanctity supplicates on this day, Allah will place him among the freed ones from the fire. If he were to die either on laylatul jum’a ( Thursday night) or on Jum’a ( Friday) his death will be like death of martyr and he will be resurrected in safety. One who takes lightly to honor (i.e. Yawmul Jum’a), and ignores its right then Allah is obliged to send him to hell unless he repents.”


How to honor Yawmul Jum’a ?

We have been advised by our holy Imams a.s. to undertake the following:

  • ·         To adorn oneself on  Yawmul jum’a: perform ghusl, apply perfume, groom his beard,
  • ·         Trim moustache and clip nails
  • ·         Dress in clean clothes
  • ·         Prepare for the (salatul) jum’a
  • ·         Be calm and honorable
  • ·         Increase in the ibadah ( worship) of his Lord
  • ·         Give charity according to his ability


Ghusl of Jum’a : an expiation for sins

Ghusl of juma is a  purification and expiation of ones sins from one Friday to the other Friday. (Imam J’afar Sadiq a.s.)


Do not miss it : Ghusl of Juma is highly recommended sunnah act.

Its prescribed time is on Friday from Fajr to sunset, but it is better to perform it near Dhuhr. If, however, a person does not perform it till noon, he can perform it till dusk without a Niyyat of either performing it on time or as Qadha. And if a person does not perform his Ghusl on Friday it is Mustahab that he should perform the Qadha of Ghusl on Saturday at any time between dawn and dusk. And if a person knows that it will not be possible for him to procure water for his Ghusl on Friday he can perform the Ghusl on Thursday with the Niyyat of Raja', that is, as a desirable act.


It is Mustahab to recite the following dua while performing Friday Ghusl: 'Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharika lah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh. Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ali Muhammad. Waj'alni minat tawwabina waj'alni minal mutatahhirin.

(I testify that there is none to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no associate and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his Progeny. And make me one of those who are repentant and pure).


Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


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