The Friday Message - Issue No: 169 - A Ramadhan Transformation

Issue No: 169 2nd August 2013 23rd Ramadhan 1434 A. H....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 169 - A Ramadhan Transformation

transformedIssue No: 169
2nd August 2013
23rd Ramadhan 1434 A.H.

Salamun alaykum,

Where are they all heading to?

It’s the summer holidays. The airports, train stations and transport hubs are crowded with people travelling on holidays. With the temperatures soaring close to 840 F (30 C) this is great news for the holiday makers. The news of sunshine and dry weather has drawn families to the sea side destinations for holidays to enjoy activities like swimming, surfing, boating and other water sport activities. Above all these fun and sports activities there is one obsession that is enjoyed by the majority. This is the passion to stretch out under the sun and expose oneself happily basking to the heat of the sun rays. One gets darker in complexion; gets a sun tan. This is the jewel in the crown of holidays.


This then confirms that one has been on holiday. Having completed the holidays, the change in skin complexion to a dark tan is admired and commended by family, friends and at the work place. The wonderful tan is an attraction for all.....Proof that the summer has been enjoyable. Every time one looks at the golden tan on the body fond memories of the pleasant holidays are recalled.

Basking under the rays of Divine Blessing:

During the Shahru Ramadhan muslims too proceed on a ‘holiday’ where in addition to the increased prayers, supplications and charity there is refrain from the muftiratus sawm – nullifiers of fast – especially abstaining from eating and drinking.
Drawing closer to the final days of the Shahru Ramadhan a physical change in the body is noticed. Come the conclusion of this blessed month of sawm ones physical complexion as compared to how one appeared before the commencement of this month will have greatly altered.
Dry lips, parched tongues, emaciated body with eyes sunken deep into their sockets, reduced weight, dry liver and stomach shrivelled from suffering the pangs of hunger and thirst are common images. Not forgetting the aching limbs.

Like the golden tan testifies to the indulgence of sun bathing in summer, this physical change in body of a person fasting is a demonstration that one has been devoted to observing the obligations of Shahru Ramadhan.

Question: Is this physical change in one’s body an assurance that one has attained successful participation in this Divine month?

There is more to it:

The Arabic word Ramadhan is derived from the word ‘ramada’, which means causing to be burnt by intense heat. This conveys the message that ones sins are scorched in this month.
“Surely, the month of Ramadhan has been named so because it scorches away the sins.” (Noble Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w.)

Has ones nafs/self acquired a ‘tan’ due to scorching away ones sins whilst basking in the ‘Divine heat of Mercy and Forgiveness’ during this Shahru Ramadhan?

“How wretched is he who is denied Divine forgiveness (of his sins) in this month.” (Noble Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w.)

Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat