Issue No: 165
28th June 2013
18th Shabaan 1434 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Life on Earth:
On Sunday 23rd June, as muslims around the world prepared to observe the Laylatul Baraa-ah, night of immunity of the 15th Sha'baan, a large mob led by Takfiris (group declaring fellow believers as kafir: infidels) surrounded the houses of Shia Muslim residents in a small village in Egypt and propelled Molotov cocktails, which led to house fires. The residents were dragged into the streets, stabbed, and four were killed.
This is one incident of people who lived together as neighbours lost the value for fellow human beings and turned against each other.
What has happened?
People of different faiths and even of no faith have co-existed in harmony. Muslims of different sects have mostly lived together peacefully. Now around the world man cannot live in harmony with neighbours on earth. Fanaticism, intolerance and bloodshed is prevailing. All this is being done in God's name! There are frightening cries for safety of lives. Headlines in the news media report at the uprising by people, foreign forces invasions, occupations, and usurpation of peoples land. All this is at the cost of huge loss of human lives and displacement of people. The lives of numerous women and children have become vulnerable. Innocent citizens are becoming victims of genocide due to their race or beliefs.
Billions of dollars are spent not only on production of gadgets of comfort, but also on assembling weapons of mass destruction. Needless to say, these weapons are being targeted not at aliens, but sadly at fellow human beings.
The moral human values are becoming extinct. Excessive indulgence in moral, social, political and economic corruption has now become the order of the day.
Provision for basic needs of food, water, clothing, shelter, education to most vulnerable of our society cannot be done.
Is this not a chaotic, sorrowful condition of the world we are living in?
Who will bring a change?
Mankind is yearning for a reformer, a saviour of humanity who will bring a change to the present despicable condition of fear, terror and chaos we are in. The belief in a Saviour who will lead the world towards peace and tranquillity is cherished by all.
He is Al Mahdi the Last proof of Allah (Al Hujjat), Master of Age (Saahibal Asr waz Zaman) and the final Imam who is the Awaited (Al Muntadhar).
Is there any hope for the under privileged and deprived people of the world?
"...when Qaaim of Ahlul Bayt rises, he will divide the wealth equally and rule justly....he will fill the earth with justice, equity and radiance after it has been filled with injustice, oppression and evil." (Imam Muhammad Al Baaqir a.s.)
He is born: 15th Sha'baan:
The birth of Imam Al Mahdi A.F., the final Imam who is the Awaited (Al Muntadhar) is the fulfilment of the aspirations by mankind for a Saviour.
The Mahdi is not an idea. We do not need to wait for his birth. He already exists. He will fulfill the prophecy.
How will you respond to the call for support by the Noble Prophet in month of Sha'baan?
Are we preparing ourselves to serve Imam Al Mahdi A.F ?
During this current stage of intidhaar –waiting- are we waiting in alert for inauguration of his role as al Qaaim?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat