Issue No: 158
26th April 2013
15th Jamaadi al Thani 1434 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Abundance granted:
When Tahir, the Noble Prophet's son, born to Sayyida Khadijatal Kubra, died, Sura Al Kawthar (Abundance) was revealed to give glad tidings to the Noble Prophet that abundance of unbounded grace, wisdom and knowledge, mercy and goodness, spiritual power and insight, in highest degrees, and abundance of progeny has been given to him.
It was on Friday 20th Jamaadi al Thaani 615 C.E. that Sayyida Khadijatal Kubra, the first and most beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w. gave birth to Sayyida Fatima at Mecca. This was in the 5th year of Bi'thah and 8 years before Hijra.
The birth of this exalted lady marked the fulfillment of the abundance presented to the Noble prophet as Divinely narrated in Sura Al Kawthar.
Most dearest:
This exalted lady was born in Ayyamal Jahiliyyah- the era of ignorance- when the birth of a baby girl was seen as disappointment. Female infanticide (intentionally burying alive a female new-born) was common all over Arabia. The father felt fear of social disgrace upon the birth of a daughter.
In contrast the Noble prophet honoured Sayyida Fatima and held her in high esteem.
"O Messenger of Allah", Imam Ali once asked the Noble Prophet, "which one from your family is dearest to you?"
The Noble Prophet replied," Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad"
Whilst muslims regard the Noble prophet as the most important figure in their daily lives, the Noble prophet regarded his beloved daughter Fatima as the most important person in his life.
Is this not an exemplary type of father-child relationship for parents to emulate in their relation with their children especially their daughters?
Heartiest felicitations on the auspicious occasion of wiladat of Sayyida Fatima Az Zahra a.s.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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