Issue No: 157
19th April 2013
8th Jamaadi al Thani 1434 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Flags at half mast:
The national flags of Britain – the Union Jack – flying over the houses of Parliament and the Prime Minister’s official residence at Downing Street were lowered to fly at half-mast position following the death of Baroness Margaret Thatcher on 8th April, 2013.
The news of the death of the longest serving British prime minister of the 20th Century and the only woman, to date, to have held this office was received with varied reactions. These were ranging from being loved by some to loathed by others.
Flowers and sympathy cards were left outside the London home of Margaret Thatcher. Key politicians and statesmen from the local and international arena poured tributes to the late Mrs. Thatcher for her political policies and leadership style. A ceremonial funeral with full military honours was held this week as a ‘fitting tribute’ to a major national figure.
On the other plane as these gestures of respect and eulogies were being offered to honor her life, opponents of the Baroness celebrated her death. This was done in the form of staging street parties, protest demonstrations, burning effigies and other forms of rejoicing.
What after you?
The response of the people has been polarized. It is absolutely not the intention of this forum to comment on these actions nor is it meant to draw any conclusion on either of the sides. However the events of eulogies and condemnation which have unfolded following the demise of Mrs. Thatcher provide one with an opportunity to reflect on the following questions:
“Does ones interaction with others during life have any consequence to their reaction when one is no longer alive or in their company?”
“How would one like to be remembered after your death?”
Would you like to be beatified or abhorred?
Towards seeking responses to these questions the words of wisdom from Amiral Muminin Imam Ali bin Abi Talib a.s. are invaluable. In one of the selected sayings he stated,” Interact with people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you and if you live they should long for you.”
Do you lead your life to attain this position?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat