Issue No: 141
9th November 2012
23rd Dhulhijja 1433 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Police Authority being replaced:
The police service that covers Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight is Hampshire Constabulary. Overseeing the work of the Constabulary is a body, that is independent of the police, called the Hampshire Police Authority. The members of Hampshire Police Authority represent the voice of the public on policing issues. Their primary concern is to make Hampshire and the Isle of Wight even safer places.
In September 2011 the Government passed the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act. This Act included legislation that replaces Police Authorities with directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). The Government's decision to introduce PCCs is to improve the democratic accountability of the police service to the public by enabling local people to vote for a PCC.
November 15th 2012: Police and Crimes Commissioner Elections:
For the first time, elections for local police and crime commissioner (PCC) will be held. The Elections will be taking place in England and Wales, excluding London.
On this day the people of Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight will go to the polls to vote for one person to the post of Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Hampshire.
The job of the PCC will be to oversee the police, how crime is tackled in the area, aim to make sure the police are providing a good service and ensure they are prioritizing what matters to you.
Be involved:
It is our duty, as residents and patriotic citizens, to be involved in our communities, and make our voices heard in this nation. An effective way to do so is through participation in both local and national politics.
Voting is the first part of the process. As citizens, the ability to vote gives us a right to choose the person who will represent us to oversee the Police constabulary
It is essential that one gets a full understanding of the post of Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and conducts a research of the candidates vying to secure the post of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
In the Hampshire Police force area there are 6 candidates who are standing for election. For more details visit the following link:
Choose My PCC | The following 6 candidates are standing for election in: Hampshire police force area
In addition there is information on the electoral commissions website and the Hampshire Police Authority at
Let us participate:
Use this opportunity to join hands with fellow Britons to participate in the elections. Vote for the candidate who will discharge their duty in a spirit of serving the public and seeking the common good for all.
"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (within their own souls)." Sura Ar-Ra'd 13:11
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat