Issue No: 135
21st September 2012
3rd Dhulqada 1433 A H.
Salamun alaykum,
The yearning of Man:
Man yearns to be in a world where the life of a human, even the unborn child, is protected. The honour and dignity of people is upheld. Everyone has enough to eat. Universal access to health and education is availed. The environment and natural resources are protected. Social equity is upheld in the society. The feeling of care and concern for each other is in abundance. One longs to enjoy life with laughter and happiness.........
Is that the case?
A glance at the media reveals screaming headlines that report on loss of innocent lives. Shocking reports on bombing strikes, invasions, occupations, and usurpation of people's land at the cost of huge loss of human lives and displacement of people dominate the news. Innocent citizens become victims of genocide due to their race or beliefs.
There are frightening cries all around. We are living in chaotic, sorrowful condition of the world.
Why is this happening?
Billions of dollars are spent not only on production of gadgets of comfort, but also on assembling weapons of mass destruction. Needless to say, these weapons are targeted at fellow human beings.
The moral human values are becoming extinct. Excessive indulgence in corruption is now the order of the day.
Provision for basic needs of food, water, clothing, shelter, education to most vulnerable of our society cannot be done.
Man cannot live in harmony with neighbors on earth. In one's selfish quest for power, dominance, greed for resources and wealth the great yearning for a 'heavenly world' where it's all peaceful has been out of reach. The essential ingredient to fulfill this craving by man has been robbed. This essential component, which has been robbed by man himself, is peace. The absence of peace has produced this chaotic situation.
International day of Peace:
Today, on 21st September, hundreds of millions people and thousands of organizations globally are observing the International day of Peace. This day is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace.
On 21st September, following a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica, the United Nations General Assembly declared, the regular opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly, (which takes place on the third Tuesday of September) as the International Day of Peace. Later in 2001 the day was changed from the third Tuesday to specifically the twenty-first day of September. Thousands of events are held by many organisations and individuals to mark International Day of Peace. There are prayer vigils, school activities, reconciliation programmes, cultural events, processions, freeing peace doves, peace conferences and U.N. activities.
Do I as a muslim have a role to play?
"The servants of the Beneficent God are they who walk on the earth in humbleness, and when the ignorant address them, they say: Peace." (Al Furqaan 25:63)
Once the noble Prophet posed a question, "Shall I inform you of the best etiquette of the people of this world and the hereafter?"
"Yes O the Messenger of Allah," responded the audience.
The noble Prophet explained, "It is to spread peace in the world."
Would one not like to have the best etiquette of the people of this world and the hereafter?"
Therefore what is it that one needs to do to spread peace in the family, community, locality, nationally and globally?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat