Issue No: 132
17th August 2012
27th Ramadhan 1433 A.H
Salamun alaykum,
Do you want to save the changes?
Each time I complete working on a document on my P.C., revise its contents, complete making the necessary formatting tasks and then as I click on the ‘X’ - exit - icon at the top right hand corner of the document to close it, a little box appears on the screen asking me the question as below:
Obviously my immediate response is to press the ‘Save’ icon. Thus my efforts to prepare the document having utilized a number of hours is brought to fruition with the production of the document.
By selecting the ‘Don’t Save’ icon all my efforts and time utilized in preparation of the document goes down the drain and sadly indeed I have no fruits of my work.
The 'Shahru Ramadhan.doc':
During this glorious month of Shahru Ramadhan by undertaking Sawm( restraint) from the muftiratas sawm – nullifiers of fasting - one has undertaken a huge change in daily life as compared to the other months. In addition steps are taken to implement the exhortation by our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w. to keep a leash on our tongues from uttering what should not be spoken, guard our gaze from what is not permissible to be seen, refrain from hearing the forbidden, protect our limbs from carrying out evil. At the same time increased recitation of Qur’an, duas, acts of charity, compassion and meeting the needs of others, seeking istighfar and tawba are undertaken. Above all one strives to improving ones conduct.
Consider the recording of these deeds undertaken in this grand month as a document on the P.C.; where by the sighting of the crescent for the month of Shawwaal the document has been finalized.
Completion of the 'Shahru Ramadhan.doc' at the end of the month:
By celebrating the day of Eid al Fitr on the first Shawwaal this document is now to be closed and like in the word document on ones’ PC the vital question is asked: “Do you want to save the changes you made to 'Shahru Ramadhan document'?”
What is your response?
Are you going to press the ‘Save’ icon or ‘Don’t Save’ icon?
By selecting each of the two icons, what would the state of ones conduct for the months following Shahru Ramadhan?
What would have one gained from the long hours and extra efforts expended towards the activities in this Shahru Ramadhan?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat