Issue No: 121
25th May 2012
3rd Rajab 1433 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Ambition of the Olympic flame torch bearer:
Today is day seven of Olympic torch relay with 63 days left to the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games being held in the U.K. this year. The torch bearer has an ambition to carry the Olympic flame, to be honoured and be cheered by family, friends and the community.
Our ambition:
The ultimate aim of man on this earth is to overcome the deviations of Shaytan and seek the lofty status of attaining closeness to Allah in His servitude. This is in fulfillment of the Glorious words from Holy Quran "..and I have not created the Jinn and Men save that they may serve Me.." (Sura al Dhariyat 51:60 )
Invitation to Training Camp:
For success in any task one needs to undergo training. From the activities of professional occupations to sporting event and games the participants need to undergo training with an ultimate aim of being successful in their pursuit. Likewise to achieve success in our ambition of becoming the choicest in servitude to Allah SWT there is need for training.
In leading our lives on this earth, we are being provided with an opportunity to attend an annual three months training camp for developing our Nafs (self) in preparation to combat the evil desires / attractions by Shaytan. These three months are Rajab, Shaban, and Holy Ramadhan.
This camp is an intensive training session under the direction of our Manager and Coach : the Thaqalayn : (the two weighty things; Quran and Ahlul Bayt). By participating in this camp we will be required to undertake various physical and spiritual 'exercises' that will sharpen our skills to control ourselves (nafs) and prepare us in readiness to combat with the team of shaytan.
The month of Rajab marks the commencement of the spiritual training season ending with the Eid ul Fitr on completion of the fasting month of holy Ramadhan. Thereafter we enter in the playing field of this material world competing against the desires of our self and the deviations by Shaytan. Our success in the 'tournament' of our daily lives is linked to our performance in the '3 months training camp'.
By devotedly participating in the exercises of this camp, especially for the holy month of Ramadhan, we will Inshallah turn out to be victorious.
Let us take advantage of being blessed with life to once again be present in this auspicious month of Rajab.
All Praise be to Almighty Allah and abundant thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat