Issue No: 120
18th May 2012
26th Jamadi al Thani 1433 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
Honouring mothers:
There is a universal tradition in all communities, both of faith and of no faith, to honour mothers and motherhood. In many parts of the world a day is set aside on the calendar to pay tribute to mothers. This day, known as Mother's day, is celebrated on various days most commonly in month of May orin March/April.
The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. This year it was observed on 13th May, 2012.
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, mothers are honoured on the fourth Sunday of Lent which was held on 18th March, 2012.
In Muslim countries Mother's day is observed on 20th Jamaadi al Thaani. This is the date of the birth of the Chief of the women of the worlds Sayyida Fatima Az Zahra a.s., the daughter of the Holy Prophet.
Gift for the Mother:
On this very special day - Mother's day- the custom is to present a gift to ones mother. This is to show how much one cares for the mother. The choice of gift one can select is plentiful. Powerful advertising media bombards the people with the notion that to show how much one cares for the mother a thoughtful gift is the best manner for this.
Having presented the perfect gift for mum on Mother's day, one feels contented that the obligation to the mother has been fulfilled. This has become widely accepted. The society feels pleased that it has done its duty towards its mother.
Is that so?
Whilst presenting of gifts to ones mother on Mother's day is a gracious deed, it is, but an insignificant attempt to recognize and appreciate the role played by a mother in one's life. The honouring and appreciation of one's mother is neither attained only by presenting material gifts nor is this gesture strictly limited to be done only the designated Mother's day. It is a fact that one is unable to fully repay the rights of one's mother.
Ihsan to parents:
Muslims are guided by the Divine words of Holy Quran where one is commanded to do ihsan - provide all goodness and protect from harm - to ones parents.
"And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents...." Sura Al Ankabut29:8
The action of ihsan to ones parents enjoined in this verse is not restricted to a certain time or a particular item. It is to be performed at all moments and in all manners.
As we close the days of celebrating the birth of Bibi Fatima a.s. in the final days of Jamaadi al Thaani let us reflect on the following words of our fourth Imam Ali Zaynul 'Abidin a.s.:
"The right of your mother is that you should know that she sustained you and carried you in her womb for a number of months and nourished you with the fruit of her heart and syrup of her soul. She commissioned her entire being for your protection and sustenance. She did not mind that she should be hungry while you should be satiated or that she should be thirsty while you should quench your thirst, nor that she should not be dressed while you should be dressed or that she should be in the sun whereas you should be under the shade.
She forsook her sweet sleep for your sake and bore the trouble of sleeplessness. She protected you from the heat of summer and the cold of winter. She bore all these troubles so that she might possess you and you might belong to her.
You should know that you are not competent enough to thank your mother, except that Allah may help you and grant you strength to pay her right."
Is not every every moment of life we breathe our Mother's day? Is not every moment an occasion for us to shower her with gifts of ihsan?
Heartiest felicitations on the auspicious occasion of wiladat of Sayyida Fatima Az Zahra a.s.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat