Issue No: 112
2nd March 2012
9th Rabi'al Thaani 1433 A.H.
Salamun Alaykum,
Message from the Imam:
In one of his Risala- message to the adherents, our eleventh Imam Hasan Al Askari advised, “I command you to practice Taqwa, work hard for sake of Allah, tell the truth only, return the deposits to their owners whether they are pious or sinful, prostrate yourselves before Allah for long time and treat your neighbors courteously. These are the matters that (prophet) Muhammad brought….”
Can we do it?
When posed with the question: ‘Are you following the above instructions?’ responses would typically be on the lines such as ‘:yes, I do try, but not always, it becomes a struggle, at times I get distracted by shaytan…’
Yes, we can do it:
On giving a greater reflection to our daily living one finds that we are already performing many of the deeds mentioned.
We observe prayers, work hard and display good etiquettes like hard work, truth, honesty, trust, courtesy, social relations.
We perform these deeds like second nature. They have become part of our natural behavior!
To have developed a natural behavior of fulfilling these excellent qualities did not require superhuman efforts.
Thus the Imam is presenting us with a message that can be acted upon.
By being conscious and determined to act upon the instructions one will be achieving success in becoming a muslim devoted to the message of Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)
Be determined.
Keep on trying.
In striving to lead our lives as per the message, we have been assured of Divine help from Allah SWT as mentioned in Holy Quran:
“We shall certainly guide those who strive hard for Us to Our ways…” (Sura Al Ankabut 29:69)
What pleases the Imam?
Tomorrow as we celebrate the auspicious occasion of birth of our eleventh Imam Hasan al Askari who was on born on 10th Rabi ul Thani 232 A.H. are we putting into practice the instructions outlined in the message from the Imam?
Is our response a source of pleasure to the Imam?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat