Issue No: 105
30th December 2011
5th Safar 1433 A.H
Salamun alaykum,
It's 26th December: End of season sale:
Items now half price or less!
One of the dates which many in the U.K. look forward to on the calendar is the 26th of December.
For not only is it a bank holiday for the Boxing Day, but it is the day when end of season sale commences. It is a day when numerous items with designer label brands, that are available at exclusive top shopping stores such as Next, Debenhams and other famous chains, are now offered on sale. The sale prices of most of the items are reduced to half price or less.
Hours before the official opening of the stores at 6:00 a.m.; while it is still dark a large number of people, including children, are seen forming queues outside the closed doors of the store. Braving the freezing temperatures and the chilly wind they are determined to be the first to enter the store. Notwithstanding the fact that the stores will remain open for the day and that the sale period continues in the holidays to the new year.
Why this rush?
It is the desire of individuals to own an item with a designer label brand now available at a reduced sale price that is stimulating the shoppers to leave the comfort of their beds in a warm home and to be as close to the store doors. This is so that, on entering the store, one is able to rush in and grab the items which one has been yearning to have. When the doors open the crowd which had been patiently waiting now surges into the store and the shopping commences in a frenzy to lift the most of the best items....!!!
The Adhan:
In a 24 hours cycle the Adhan is sounded three times a day. This is to announce to the believers the moment for fulfilling the daily five prayers. One of the lines of recitation is Hayya 'ala khayril 'amal. This is an invitation to the believers to make haste to attend to the best of the deeds.
We are aware of the obligation of saying our prayers and the immense benefits of saying it punctually on prime time (fadhilat).Great emphasis has been laid on performing the prayers on prime time except where there is good reason for delay, like, waiting to join the prayers in congregation i.e. Salatul Jamaat. One who delays offering his prayers, though within the time for the prayer, does not attach any importance to it and considers it to be something insignificant.
Looking at the zeal of the crowd gathered outside the stores for the first day of the season sale one wonders should we not likewise as 'shoppers for the Jannah' be eager to bag the maximum reward in responding to the call to 'Divine sale' announcing Hayya 'ala khayril 'amal and be ready to offer our prayers on time?
Notwithstanding the fact that the time for offering the prayer is a period more than the prime time, do we still make an effort not to delay it past the prime time?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat