Issue No: 97
4th November 2011
7th Dhulhijja 1432 A.H
Salamun alaykum,
The Financial crisis:
This week witnessed the leaders of the European Union meeting for long sessions to come up with a plan to solve Europe's debt crisis. The crisis has triggered turmoil in the financial markets threatening to push the world economy into recession. High on the agenda is the setting of a bailout package for the economies of the countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland which have become effected by the massive debts so as to avoid sliding into bankruptcy.
Thirst for wealth:
Whilst the subject of the European Financial crisis is not my field of expertise to be able remark on, may I dare put forward a comment that the situation we have on our hands would not have been brought about had man not given in to his desires for greed. This selfish desire of greed for wealth has made man solely focused to devise methods for satisfying this thirst for wealth. From amongst the means to quench this thirst or greed for wealth is the practice of Usury.
There is no blessing:
In several instances the holy Quran has forewarned us of the evil of usury. The Verse 276 in Suratul Baqara emphasizes the evil effect of this practice stating: “Allah does not bless Usury…….”
This directive on the evil of Usury is common amongst the teaching of the Abrahamic Faiths.
Is it not time to heed Divine Guidance ?
Has not the time come for man to give a serious thought in bringing this Divine Guidance from his Creator Almighty God to address the situation created by man in his own doings?
So gloomy is the financial scenario that it is leading the International Economy into deep crisis. The effect of this crisis has set off social unrest around the world as seen from the Occupy Wall street movement.
At one of these camping / occupy demonstration sites a banner fluttering high poses the question: What would Jesus do?
A point to ponder.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat