Issue No: 86
15th July 2011
12th Sha'baan 1432 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
The Blessed Night of Immunity:
This weekend we will be observing the night of 15th of Sha’baan. This commonly is known as Laylatul Baraa-at (The night of acquiring acquittal /exemption of sins.) It is an occasion of great blessing.
Muslims around the world congregate in mosques and hold all night vigils to pray for safety, increase in sustenance, protection from calamities and to seek forgiveness of sins.
An added significance:
The auspiciousness of this night is increased by the fact that it is the day of the birth of the Last proof of Allah (Hujjat), Master of Age ( Sahibal Zaman) and the final Imam who is the Awaited ( Al Muntadhar).This took place in the year 255 A.H.
The birth of Imam Al Mahdi A.F. is the fulfillment of the narration of the holy prophet informing the muslim community on the number and names of the rightful twelve Imams.
Public Announcement:
On sighting the crescent of month of Sh’abaan, the holy Prophet would arrange for announcement to be made in the city of Madina calling the people to his suppport: “O people of Yathrib! I am the bearer of news from the Messenger of Allah. Know that Sh’aban is my month. May Allah have mercy upon one who supports me in this month.”
Another way of love to holy Prophet?
Great recommendation has been placed on observing fast in Sha’baan as a way of showing love to our beloved prophet.
The birth of our Living Imam is providing us another opportunity to strengthen our love for the holy prophet. Whilst celebrating this auspicious occasion we enlighten ourselves on the life of the Imam, the state of his occultation and our responsibilities in this period of major occultation.
By walking the talk- putting the words into deeds- will we not be demonstrating our love for the holy prophet?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah.
With salaams and duas
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat