Issue no: 83
17th June 2011
14th Rajab 1432 AH
Salamun alaykum,
Longest Lunar Eclipse:
On the night of Wednesday 15th June, 2011 more than half the world had the opportunity to watch a total Lunar eclipse. This total lunar eclipse lasting more than five hours was the longest since July 2000.It was observed in its entirety from Western China, in Eastern Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Western Australia.
Ages ago when the knowledge of the heavenly bodies was not advanced and occurrence of such phenomena was not understood from the scientific angle the people during those times would interpret such incidents based on prevailing superstitions and pagan beliefs. They would carry out primitive rites to appease spirits or bodies from the anger displayed through such episodes. Some of these traditions are still being played out in several regions around the world including the rural areas of Africa.
Muslims obligation:
During the occurrence of Eclipse, Earthquakes and other phenomena muslims are required to perform a special prayer called Salatul Ayat.
The Performance of Salatul Ayat draws man away from the superstitions and pagan beliefs regarding the eclipse and leading him towards reflecting on the Glory, Majesty and Power of Allah SWT the Creator of the heavenly bodies and the phenomenon they go through.
Are we praying to the moon?
The name of the prayer is Salatul Ayat which means Prayer of the (Divine) Signs. The prayer is not called Qamar (Moon) prayer. If it were a prayer or worship to the moon then the content of the liturgy in its preparations, recitations would be linked towards the moon.
In Salatul Ayat instead of any mention or address to the moon,you will find the recitations of Takbir ( Glorification), Tasbih ( Praises) of Almighty Allah and verses of Quran especially Sura Al Fatiha ( emphasising that we worship none save Him and turn to none save Him) and Ikhlas ( Unity of Allah absolute from all partners).
Like for any deed the Niyyat /Intention is vital before the commencement of Salatul Ayat. For the validity and acceptance of Salatul Ayat it has to be Qurbatan Ilallah – seeking nearness to Allah. In addition the form of recitations / requirements, preparations of this Ayat prayer such as wudhu, qibla and all other prayer conditions are not in any way directed to the moon as an object towards which the prayer is done. Rather, like the daily prayers, it is all absolutely focused towards our Creator Allah SWT.
What is the relevance of this prayer to our daily lives today?
The offering of Prayer of Ayat gives us an opportunity for taking time out from our schedules in daily life towards reflecting on the Glory, Majesty and Power of Allah SWT for the creation of the heavenly bodies and the phenomenon they go through. These moments provide opportunity for Man to acknowledge our Creator and submit to our role as a creature to serve our Lord. This also serves to strengthen commitment in eiman in our Nourisher such that any superstitions may not blot our submission to Him.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah.
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat