Salamun alaykum,
Heartiest Felicitations Meeladun Nabi Mubarak
Meeladun Nabi:
Meelad / Mawleed in Arabic means birth, birthday, nativity. At the sighting of the crescent of month of Rabi’ ul Awwal, Muslims all over the world celebrate with intense felicitations the occasion of Meeladun Nabi –the birth of our Noble Prophet Muhammad Mustafa SAWW. It occurred on the 17th Rabi’ ul Awwal in Aamul Feel, the Year of the Elephant, corresponding to 570 C.E. Some historians also record the birthdate to be 12th Rabi’ ul Awwal. The variation in dates should not be a cause for differences. For more than three decades, considering this historical difference in dates, the Muslim ummah has been observing the period from 12th to 17th Rabi’ ul Awwal as Usbu’ ul wahdah; the Unity week.
Meeladun Nabi- Expressing Deep gratitude:
The birth of Nabi Muhammad Mustafa SAWW, Rasulallah, the chosen Messenger of Allah SWT, is certainly a great boon bestowed upon mankind and all believers. We are obliged to express our deep gratitude and appreciation in all forms for that great personality of Rasulallah, the best among all creations, who leads mankind out of darkness /ignorance into light/enlightenment. A form of expressing gratitude to Allah SWT for this great endowment is through Meeladun Nabi. The recitation of Quran, dhikr of Allah and salawat poems attract Divine blessings in these assemblies. In addition lessons/ moral from teaching and lifestyle of the Prophet is gained from discourses delivered. Thus, attendees derive thawab; Divine reward.
Not all celebrate Meeladun Nabi:
However, some segments of the Muslim community do not favour the celebrations of Meeladun Nabi. They consider it to be bid’a–an innovation, which was not practiced by the Noble Prophet. This group is very vocal in condemning people who arrange or participate in Meeladun Nabi to an extent of considering them to be misguided, disbelievers and destined for hell.
Is it not ironic that a section of the community opposing Meeladun Nabi celebrations causes disunity in the Muslim ummah whereas the birth of this elevated personality as introduced in Sura Al Anbiya 21:107 is a blessing and mercy to all mankind and the universe?
Unpacking the true meaning of celebrations:
Whilst the Meeladun Nabi celebrations need to continue with greater vigour, it is essential that the essence, true meaning and purpose of commemorations does not become obscure.
One can’t fail to notice that widely the true meaning of Christmas has been totally eclipsed by the commercialization of celebrating this event. For some people the celebration of Christmas is related only to the festivities for the 25th December and the exchange of gifts for this occasion. This is despite Church leaders being vocal that the essential message of Christmas-the birth of Jesus- needs to be unpacked.
Time for Reflection:
The occasion of Meeladun Nabi celebrations is an excellent opportunity for renewal of allegiance to the Noble Prophet. Additionally, it provides an occasion for Muslims to undertake reflection. To unpack the essence of Meeladun Nabi celebrations reflect on the following questions:
• What more needs to be done to realise the true purpose for celebrating Meeladun Nabi, and other wiladat /shahadat commemorations to increase gaining the Divine Pleasure and attaining closeness to Ahlul Bayt?
• How devotedly does one take the Noble Prophet as their Uswatun Hasana- the Divinely declared best role model- and what more one needs to do towards enhancing adherence to the Thaqalayn.
• Would the Prophet be delighted to see the way I am living? Is my home and family ready to host the Prophet? Will I feel embarrassed and want to hide certain things in my living?
• How active am I in unpacking the message of Rasulallah for emulation so that the state of Muslim ummah moves to being different than we find it today?
Let us open our hearts to receive the Divine gift of Rasulallah, attain pleasure of Rasulallah and draw closeness to Allah SWT.
Khushali Mubarak.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah.
With salaams and duas,