Salamun alaykum,
Half the year has gone:
With commencement of the 7th month Rajab, we have now completed the first half of the Islamic year 1442 A.H. Rajab marks the commencement of a special season for the nafs.
It is also one of the Ash-hurul Hurum- the sacred months.
Season for reseeding our Nafs:
Just as spring season marks regrowth of vegetation, Rajab inaugurates the season for renewal of a person’s soul and ignites the quest for attaining ridha- pleasure- of Allah SWT. In this sense Rajab is the month of reseeding our faith and relationship with Allah.
This special period of reseeding the Nafs commences with Rajab and ends on Eid ul Fitr having completed the fasting month of Shahru Ramadhan. Thereafter we re-enter in the ‘wild forest’ of this material world dominated by the deviations of Shaytan and the lower desires of our self. The success of our daily journey in this ‘wild forest’ is linked to our performance in Rajab Sha’baan and shahru Ramadhan, the 3 months of spiritual seeding season. By devotedly tending to the Nafs during these 3 months, especially for the month of Ramadhan, we will Inshallah turn out to be victorious.
If you aim to harvest the fruits on Eid ul Fitr, then plant the seeds in Rajab. Water the saplings in Sha’baan. Tend to them in Shahru Ramadhan.
Grab this opportunity:
In addition to traditions elaborating the Divine blessings of Rajab, Sha’baan and Shahru Ramadhan, there are numerous recommendations for special deeds such as duas, fasting, istighfar, salawat, tasbih, sadaqa and other devotions. Further these months are filled with many religious occasions related to the Ahlul Bayt a.s.
Special dua:
As we observe the various devotions for revival of our nafs- self- during these sacred months kindly make special prayers to Allah SWT, with the wasīla of the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt, invoking the name of Imam al Asr Sahibaz Zaman (A.F.), for protection of all people against the epidemic due to the COVID-19 virus, to give comfort to those who are struggling due to the epidemic and for the cure of all who are unwell.
“O Allah, the One whose name is remedy (for all ills), and whose remembrance is cure (for all ailments). O Allah, by the wasila of Noble Prophet Muhammad SAWW and his Ahlul Bayt a.s., we pray to you for safety from plague and epidemics. Grant us good health and protection from calamities.”
We have been blessed with life to once again be present in this auspicious month of Rajab. All Praise be to Almighty Allah and abundant thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights. Let us therefore take advantage of these moments of gift of life.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah.
With salaams and duas,
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat