Salamun alaykum,
The moment of Epic:
Bihamdillah we have been able to observe the days of Azadari in Muharram especially on Ashura. With the events of Azadari still fresh in our mind there is need to reflect on that monumental moment, over thirteen hundred and seventy-eight years ago, on the 10th day of Muharram 61 A.H. (680 C.E.) just before 'Asr prayer, when Imam Husayn a.s. stood on a sand-dune at Karbala.
Earlier on since day break Imam Husayn a.s. had witnessed the commitment of his close companions and family who had submitted to martyrdom. He had rushed to their side as they lay in their final moments of life on earth. Then he had carried several dead bodies of his loved ones into his camp.
Blood was flowing all over his body from the wounds he had suffered. He looked skyward and prayed; "O Allah! In You I place my trust amid all grief. You are my hope amid all violence. You are my Refuge and Provider in everything that happens. How many grievances are there that weaken the heart, leaving me with no means to respond; during which friends depart (attain martyrdom) while enemies rejoice."
Call of 'Ashura:
Then, this beloved grandson of the Prophet, raised a call: "Is there anyone who will come to assist us? Is there anyone who will respond to our call for help?"
Surely Imam Husayn a.s. was not expecting anyone there in Karbala to come to his aid.
The Imam and his devoted companions, by their deeds and eloquent words, had exhausted all opportunities of awakening the Yazidi forces from the slumber they had fallen in. Against a lone man who was deeply hurt in body and heart, suffering in pain and anguish the responses given by the enemy forces under the command of Umar bin S’ad was an increased beating of drums, cheering and jeering at the Imam. This smack of barbarism.
Reflection: Some twenty days after commemorating Ashura, several questions pop up:
“Was Imam Husayn a.s. expecting any help?
“What was the response from the people present in Karbala?”
“Was the call only for the Day of Ashura 10th Muharram, 61 A.H.?”
“Is the call for assistance still relevant to this day?”
Did the call end there?
Surely Imam Husayn a.s. was not expecting anyone there in Karbala to come to his aid since his close companions had already laid their lives in martyrdom. The previous night, in his address, Imam had freed his loved companions from their allegiance urging them to take advantage of the dark and leave him.
The call did not end there. The life span of this call was neither restricted to the Day of Ashura in 61 A.H. nor to the land of Karbala.
The world today is still in need of upholding the value of justice and freedom. Man is still striving to achieve leading a life in submission to Allah. Therefore, the call for help by the Imam on the Day of Ashura is still reverberating to this day. The struggle to uphold the values for which the tragedy of Karbala occurred is ongoing.
Then what?
As we lift our hands in matam and raise our voices with cries of “Ya Husayn” are we responding positively to this call for help by Imam Husayn?
Are we being with Imam Husayn for the objectives with which he had set out from Madina?
How will you respond? Is your response sufficient to make you ‘Husayni’?
أَعظَمَ اللهُ أُجُورَنا و أُجُورَكُم بِمُصابِنا بِالحُسَين ع
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
With salaams and duas
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat