Issue No: 54
15th October 2010
5th Dhulqa'da 1431 AH
Salamun alaykum,
Let me share with you:
I would like to share with you some of the messages which I frequently receive by email or text. Often it is the same message, but from different persons.
Message received by email : A blessing is coming your way:
Allah has seen you struggling (with something). Allah says it is over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Allah, send it on……….. 97% will not pass this. “A blessing is coming to you in the form of a new job, a house, marriage or financially. If you love Allah and are glad he woke you up today, say …….., and send this to 10 people and watch in 60 minutes what ALLAH does for you…….believe me your biggest problem will be solved…..Do not delete. Try it even if you don’t believe…….
Message received by sms: From Makka:
786 Bismillah this message comes from Makka…send to 10 people and see mojiza (miracle) in 7 minutes. You will get what you want. If ignored, 7 years bad luck....not a joke…….
What are they?
The above are typical chain letters. Chain letters started as actual letters written on paper that one received in the mail. Today, chain letters are generally no longer actual letters. They are sent through e-mails, posts on social network sites, and text messages on cell phones.
Contents of chain letters:
You will observe that typically the chain letter consists of a message which persuades the recipient to make a number of copies of the letter and then pass them on to as many recipients as possible.(Thus a chain is made!).
It manipulates ones emotions by foretelling the blessings that are on its way to the reader and by exploiting superstition it threatens the recipient with bad luck or even death if he or she "breaks the chain".
With a click it’s sent:
Unlike the past when it required an effort to write the letters and then post them, in today’s era of broadband communication the task of following the instructions has simplified. With just a click of the forward icon on the computer and by selecting recipients from the address book the chain letter is done!
With such ease in communication the faculty of intellect is put to lull with no second thought given in to the value of such communication.
Pause a moment to reflect:
Instead of forwarding unsolicited emails to ones contacts give a thought to the following:
- How does dispatching a certain number of copies of the letter qualify one to receive the blessing and thus be equal to one who has put in efforts to achieve that blessing?
- Can the consequence for non compliance with the instructions of chain letter make one to suffer when no disobedience to any Divine instruction has been done?
My action:
I have never forwarded such chain letters and with great confidence that no harm can come to me I have always deleted them. I find support in the noble verse of the holy quran :
“And that man shall have only that for which he makes effort.” Sura An Najm 53:39
Next time you receive a chain letter hope you will ponder over the above before you dispatch it.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
With salaams and duas
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat