The Friday Message - Issue No: 44 - Stewards of Allah (SWT)

Issue No: 44 30th July 2010 17th Sh'aban 1431 AH Salamun alaykum, 100 days after the explosion: It is now nearly more than three months since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig owned by BP exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Millions of gallons of barrels of oil have spewed out of the well into the sea causing great damage to the coastline and wildlife....

The Friday Message - Issue No: 44 - Stewards of Allah (SWT)

Salamun alaykum,

100 days after the explosion:

It is now nearly more than three months since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig owned by BP exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Millions of gallons of barrels of oil have spewed out of the well into the sea causing great damage to the coastline and wildlife. Seeing images of Pelicans and other sea life drenched in crude oil makes one feel helpless. Not only has the accident caused an environmental disaster, it has rendered great number of people without any income by affecting their sources of livelihood. BP reports that no oil is now flowing into the Gulf since the successful installation of a sealing cap device.

We are Stewards Of Allah:

Being muslims we remind ourselves the purpose for our creation on this earth.  Our role is to be the Khalifa ( Vicegerent / Trustee) of our home :- the earth.

Allah SWT has conferred on man a covenant to protect the earth in his role as the Vicegerent. Stewardship is instrumental to our eiman as stated in the holy Quran:

  • “Behold, your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to place a vicegerent on earth." Sura Al Baqara 2:30
  • And it is He Who has made you (His) agents, inheritors of the earth.. Sura Al An’am 6:165

The world around us is mentioned numerous times in the holy Quran as a source of the signs (ayat) of Allah to mankind.

“We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth..” Sura Al Fussilat 41:53

These marvelous and beautiful signs of Allah are there not only for mankind to enjoy and admire its Creator, but also protect them from exploitation.

As we discover the increasing of the ozone layer depletion and experience the greenhouse effect on earth this brings to reality the level at which  mankind is occupied to satisfy its greed for wealth and energy. This over consumption has led to destruction of natural resources in our consumeristic society.

As we prepare to partake in the Divine Banquet of welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan by observing the fasts let us remind ourselves that the purpose of fasting is to develop self restraint : Taqwa.

“O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self restraint (Taqwa)”

Sura Al Baqara 2:183

Whilst fasting the actions of denying ourselves of the various mubtilats (fast breakers) is training us to shed greed and re-dedicate ourselves to serving our role as the Khalifa servant of Allah. As we practice the spiritual taqwa /restraint let us feel connected with the world around us and reflect on our role as stewards to practice physical restraint by supporting and promoting conservation of the natural resources / environment. This too is an act of Ibadah.

“Then We made you successors in the land after them so that We may see how you act.” Sura Yunus 10:14


Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah

With salaams and duas

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat


Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
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Member of the Council of European Jamaats
Member of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board



Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat. Al Mahdi, Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire . PO17 5BU. Reg. Charity Number: 1010076. Tel: 01329 832537. Fax: 02392-529766
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: Jamaat Web Site: Project Web Site:


Member of the Council of European Jamaats

Member of Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board