Salamun alaykum,
Sex and Relationship Education in schools:
Pupils in England's schools are currently taught about relationships, health and the wider world through Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) and/or Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) lessons.The Government guidance for Sex and Relationship Education introduced in 2000, provides for the statutory teaching of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in Primary schools, taking into account age and maturity of children (usually Year 5/6), and thereafter in Secondary schools from Year 7.
Schools to teach 21st century relationships and sex education:
In March, 2017 the government announced the introduction of the new subject of 'Relationships Education' in primary school and renaming the secondary school subject 'Relationships and Sex Education', (RSE). The teaching of Relationships Education for children between 5 and 11 years at all primary schools (maintained, academies, faith and secular or independent) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at secondary schools in England will now be compulsory. The teaching of these subjects is to commence from 2019. The Department for Education states that, "As children get older, it is important that they start to develop their understanding of healthy adult relationships in more depth, with sex education delivered in that context."
What is the objective for its introduction?
The Government stated that the introduction of these subjects is to emphasise the central importance of healthy relationships. The primary-aged subject is set to include teaching young children about "different types of relationships". The secondary school subject is likely to include teaching on "sex, sexual health and sexuality".
Questions for consideration:
Would teaching young children about "different types of relationships", include homosexuality, transgenderism and same-sex marriage? Is there an age-appropriate way to teach primary school children about same-sex marriage or transgenderism?
Is this not too much, too young? Would this not sexualise our children before they hit puberty?
Public consultation by the Government:
On 19th December, 2017 the Government announced launch of a public consultation on how to approach teaching these subjects and set out the core content pillars the subjects Relationships Education at primary school age, and Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools should cover. It closes on Monday 12th February, 2018.
What can one do?
I would like to strongly encourage you all to respond to the Government's consultation. This consultation is an opportunity for all especially parents to ask the Government for education, not indoctrination. Please do it now.
Visit the online consultation at the following link:
The call for evidence consists of seven open questions. Questions one to four are related to Relationships Education in primary schools and Relationships and Sex Education, (RSE) in secondary schools. The remaining questions are connected to Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) education. One does not have to answer every question.
Support is on hand:
Attached please find a useful guide prepared by The Coalition for Marriage, a leading campaign group in Britain supporting traditional marriage. It is intended to help with some of the terminology used in the call for evidence by highlighting areas where the teaching of traditional marriage may be affected. It also suggests points to take into consideration when responding to the questions one to four.
Does my participation matter?
Yes, each response will help shape the guidance for contents of Relationships Education in primary schools, and Sex and Relationships Education in secondary schools. You will have performed your civic duty. By participating you would have discharged a moral and religious obligation towards our beloved children, InshAllah.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat