Issue No: 260
11th March 2016
1st Jamaadi al Thaani 1437 A.H
Salamun alaykum
Never give up:
Numerous times in one’s daily life, as one endeavours to succeed, one comes across various types of challenges. At all times one is prompted to go ahead and boosted by being told to keep going, to never give up. However when it comes to harmful habits, anti- social behaviours or even sinful deeds then one is soundly advised to always give up.
‘Proud to be a quitter’ is the theme for the National No Smoking Day observed this week in the United Kingdom on 9th March,2016.This annual health awareness day, set on the second Wednesday in March, is intended to inspire hundreds of thousands of people to be victorious over smoking and give it a go to quit.
Danger to Your Health:
The harmful effects of cigarette smoking, both to the active smoker and the passive smoker are universally known. Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that often ultimately result in death. Over 3 million people worldwide die from smoking-related causes each year.
Note that the guidance from the Noble Qur’an and the Marja Taqleed Ayatullah Al Udhama Seyyid Ali As-Seestani have been stated in past issues of Risalatul Jum’ah –The Friday Message- published on previous occasions of No Smoking Day.
Hubbly Bubbly Fad:
There is some talk doing the rounds that hookah /shisha smoking is safer than cigarette smoking because the hookah smoke is filtered through water before it is inhaled. This is not true. It’s a myth. It is 100 times worse than cigarettes.
Hookah smoking is not safer than cigarette smoking. "Contrary to popular belief, shisha is not safer than smoking cigarettes.” said Dr Mike Knapton, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation. Shisha smoking is linked to the same serious and life-threatening diseases as cigarettes.
The bottom line is if cigarette smoking is harmful, then hookah /shisha smoking is only worse.
However stepping aside from cigarette smoking and the ‘Shisha’ puffing, some people have taken up ‘VAPING’ in order to get the traditional sacred puff of smoking. Vaping involves using an electronic device that heats up e-juice (a liquid containing nicotine, other liquids and flavourings) that then gets vaporized in a small battery powered atomizer, simulating the experience of smoking. The vapour created is inhaled and exhaled much like cigarette smoke hence the term “VAPING” as opposed to “SMOKING”. These electronic cigarettes are shaped like the real cigarettes.
The habit of Vaping is now considered to be cool in town and is being promoted as a lifestyle. In confirming to peer or social pressures youths seem to be attracted to e-cigs just like cigarettes or shisha smoking. Most youths would start vapping or shisha smoking just to conform. They get a feeling of being "grown up."
Danger to Your Health:
Vaping is not proven 100% safe. The New England Journal of Medicine published research which said e-cigs could be more dangerous than smoking. Branding the e-cig devices as ‘safety illusive’, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the chemicals they contain are often not disclosed and have not yet been properly tested. In addition the British Medical Association (BMA) has also warned it is worried by the lack of peer-reviewed studies on e-cigarette safety. Public health officials have expressed concerns including about the purity of the products' ingredients and the precise dose of nicotine delivered by different devices and liquids.
A severe problem with e-cigs is that they contain nicotine which is a very addictive drug; apparently it is more addictive than heroin. Thus a habit is manifested.
Break the habit:
Most smokers of tobacco cigarettes, shisha and e-cigs would really like to stop, but find it hard to do so. These addictive habits are difficult to break. However the effort is Divinely rewarded.
“The best of worship is to abandon the (harmful) habits.” Imam Ali bin Abi Talib a.s.
Is it not time to quit these harmful habits and be proud to be a quitter?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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