Issue No: 253
11th December 2015
28th Safar 1437 A.H.
Salamun alaykum,
On his death bed: He was denied writing material:
A humble man, adored by the whole community, is lying in severe pain. He is surrounded by a number of people including his close family who are fervently hoping that he will survive. He requests to be given writing material so that he may write a will that would prevent them from going astray after his death.
Who was the man & what was the response?
This person was none other than the noble Prophet Muhammad Mustafa SAWW. He was being denied his final requests.
A group of persons present around him disallowed the wish of the Prophet with the explanation that the book of Allah-the Qur’an- is sufficient. Further by opposing one another and shouting loudly the people present did not allow the Prophet to do what he wished; to write the will. By choosing to disobey his request the people had hurt the prophet who ordered them to leave.
This calamity to the Noble prophet took place on a Thursday preceding his death. Such a misfortune it is for the ummah that whenever Abdullah bin Abbas, a prominent companion, recalled this yawmu raziyatul khamis -Calamity of Thursday, he would mourn with his face overflowing with tears.
Obedience to the Messenger of Allah:
The Noble Quran and traditions of our beloved Prophet have underscored the need for all muslims to submit in obedience to Divine leadership at all times. Divine leadership of Allah on the Earth is symbolized by His Messenger and the Divinely appointed Imams.
Leadership during Occultation:
We are blessed to be part of the muslim community submitting to the teachings of the Thaqalayn.- Quran and Ahlul Bayt. The expectation is that one submits to the Quran and is obedient to the Prophet and Imams.
During the contemporary period of occultation of our twelfth and final Imam, Saahibaz Zamaan - Master of the Age- (May Allah hasten his re-appearance), our point of reference of leadership is towards the Eminent scholars – the Marja Taqleed. Throughout these moments of Aakhir Zaman- the final time- of Ghaybatul Kubra, the major occultation, it is critical that one is conscious of the need to uphold with due reverence and obedience to the institution of the Marja.
By this not only does one succeed in fulfilling the Divine instruction of obedience, but one is safe guarded from any external deviations that will affect one’s faith.
Be on guard:
Does one cherish the leadership of the Marja and revere the guidance received from him?
Are you conscious at all times of not getting carried away by personal interests; thus end up reflecting the behaviour typical of the group which denied the last request of the Noble Prophet for writing materials?
Today the day of 28th Safar, when the sad occasion of wafat of the Noble Prophet is being observed we present our salutations in a ziyarat with the following words:
...we have been struck with great sadness, O the beloved of our hearts. What a great calamity since the termination of the revelation and your departure from us. Indeed we are from Allah and to Him is our return.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat