Issue No: 251
20th November 2015
7th Safar 1437 AH
Salamun alaykum,
Last week the world witnessed shocking and horrifying attacks across Beirut and Paris. This year has not been easy. Tragically, we have seen thousands more people from all walks of life become victims of terrorism. We have also seen the impact of the conflicts with the loss of life and those who are fleeing violence and persecution.
We are deeply shocked and profoundly saddened at these appalling acts of terror and violence perpetrated against innocent civilians in Lebanon, France, Iraq, Syria and the seemingly endless list of countries impacted by terrorism. Muslim leaders strongly condemn these outrageous attacks.
As British Muslims we have rejected the terrorists, the emptiness of their words and the futility of their actions. They have nothing to offer the world. Those who seek to divide society will not succeed. We will not be divided, we will unite. Demonstrating our united and shared values is the best way to respond to those who seek to disunite us.
It is vital to continue cultivating and giving voice to sentiments of amity and fraternity between Muslim communities, and the British society at large, towards sentiments of solidarity and a place for Muslims as part of the wider British community. One of the first and most fundamental ways Muslims show feelings of commonality and brotherhood is through dua; supplication. Performing dua is a practice upheld by the prophets and highly exhorted in the Quran and the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAWW.
Initiative has been taken by the faithsforum4London on developing a ‘Prayer for the Nation’. The dua is to humbly beseech Allah SWT to keep Britain a harmonious nation that protects the marginalized, upholds strong moral values and to promote loyalty among our diverse communities. This dua provides an opportunity for British Muslims to express a national identity in their own way.
As you perform the devotions of Yawmul Jum’ah – Friday- I would like to invite you all to join others in the nation to offer this dua.
Prayer for The Nation
Oh Allah, Lord of all creations. You are Al Malik, the Sovereign. Praise be to you O Lord.
Ya Rabbana, our Cherisher. You created us all as equal human beings. You love each one of us and have a purpose for our lives.
Our Lord. We humbly beseech you. Unite our nation around the principles of justice, peace, love and faith.
Put peace and love in our hearts for the diversity that makes this world so beautiful.
Oh Lord, most Strong, Give us the strength to protect and care for our neighbours.
Ya Wahhab. You are the Bestower. We pray for our nation, the United Kingdom, to remain tolerant and loving, compassionate, remove prejudice from our hearts, and enable us to love our brothers and sisters of all faiths and none.
Make our hearts and minds aware of our heritage, fulfilling duties and responsibilities as citizens of our country.
Al Raheem, Allah Most Merciful, allow us to show kindness to those most vulnerable in society.
Protect us from evil, inspire and guide us in defending those open to abuse.
Lord, Most Generous allow us to give in charitable activity, and to help those most in need.
Inspire our nation to be ethical in business and commerce allowing us to promote fair trade and fair wages.
Lord, give our Government vision and wisdom, as they take decisions affecting peace in our world.
Allah, our Sustainer. Allow us to care for our environment and sustain this world for future generations.
Lord, Most Merciful, Most Generous, please give us the patience to continue to learn from one another and work towards a more peaceful and kind world.
Make true in our nation the ideas of freedom and justice and brotherhood for all those who live for them.
Make our hearts generous so that we may treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
Help us to share that which we have with others, for Your sake. Strengthen us, love us and be kind to us all.
By your Mercy. O the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat