Issue No: 244
4th September 2015
19th Dhulqada 1436 AH
Salamun alaykum,
It is check in time at the University:
The month of September heralds a new chapter in the life of young women and men around the world who are aspiring to pursue higher education. Having got over the excitement of success in the Sixth Form Colleges 'A' level examinations these youths are now occupied in sorting the University registration formalities and accommodation arrangements. As they register for their courses of study at the University this step is the beginning of realizing an ambition to pursue a career. From now onwards all thoughts and energy will be focused on succeeding in pursuing the course. Thus being able to graduate with flying colours and achieve their ambitions. Certainly this stage of education is an exciting and memorable time.
'IQRA' the command to read:
Seeking of education has been highly emphasized in our noble Deen Islam. Islam has placed great emphasis on acquisition of knowledge. The first word –IQRA- the command to read in the first verse of the Noble Qur'an underscores the significance attached to learning.
Numerous traditions from the noble Prophet and Ahlul Bayt a.s. have been reported on the obligation of seeking knowledge.
During lifetime of our beloved sixth Imam J'afar As Sadiq a.s., he had the opportunity of promoting scholarship. Books record names of more than 4000 students attending teaching circle of the Imam. In addition to the Religious sciences, the sixth Imam initiated teaching of science of Algebra, Biology, Medicine, Physics, Botany and Chemistry.
Two states for a Shia:
In exhorting for seeking knowledge, Imam J'afar As Sadiq a.s said," I like to see the young men following two states: either a scholar or a learner. If one does not do (i.e. one of these), then he is wasting his time. If he wastes he loses, and if he wastes he commits a sin"
Ponder over the above hadith Imam and consider the following questions:
- As a shia of the Imam, are you to be found in one of the two types of states which are liked by the Imam?
- Does acquisition of knowledge solely involve the task of reading or of acquiring factual information?
- How can you avoid being a loser?
Wa ma tawfiqi illa billah
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat