أَعظَمَ اللهُ أُجُورَنا و أُجُورَكُم بِمُصابِنا بِالحُسَين ع
Dear parents,
Salamun alaykum,
I pray that you and your families are keeping well. May Allah Reward you and your family for the azadari on Aba Abdillah Imam Husayn a.s.
Further to my below communication, I would like to update you with regards to the resumption of Tarbiyah lessons through online platform.
From Saturday 19th September 2020, InshAllah all children in Madrasah classes Qawiy, Daleel, Ihsaan and Faraj from 11:00 a.m. The children will continue to remain in their same Class groups as they were in prior to the lockdown. For now there will be only ONE tarbiyah lesson delivered. This session of not more than 45 minutes will be conducted through Zoom, an online learning platform. Parents will receive email invitations to meetings scheduled by the respective Class teachers using a specific Madrasah Class email I.D of your child’s class. Could you ensure that you are ready to log in on time,at least 5 minutes before the lesson is to begin, with your desktop/ tablet/ phone or device and that your child is prepared for the lesson.
Presently there will be no Tarbiyah lessons for children in Madrasah Classes Awwal YR /Y1 and Baseer. Note that the programme for Qur’an recitation lessons are continuing as outlined in my below email.
Our team of Madrasah teachers are devoting their best towards delivering online Tarbiyah sessions. However as is expected with technology and this being a new approach for our volunteers there will inevitably be some initial teething issues. Please but please do bear with and be patient as we all get used to adapting to the online Madrasah. Herebelow are essential points for your attention:
Tarbiyah Catch up lessons:
During this this Autumn term, at least upto the half term it is our endeavor to deliver the essential lessons from the remaining modules 6 and 8 of Tarbiyah curriculum that have not been covered in full. Thus your child /ren will remain in the same class groups.
Faraj Class students in school Year 11:
We expect the children Year 11 at school to attend the above catch up sessions so as to complete the Band F outstanding lessons of their final year. Parents are requested to encourage their child for attending.
Online Madrasah Lessons - Code of Conduct
Whist delivering live sessions online, the Madrasah will have the utmost consideration for the safety and security of all the participants: students, teachers, parents and their wider families. Attached please find the code of conduct for the Online Madrasah. This is to ensure a safe, engaging and meaningful experience of learning and sharing in the Online Madrasah. Please take the time to read and let your child/ren familiarise with them. This will contribute to the success of the Online Madrasah.
Expectation from students
Like at the physical Madrasah sessions held at al Mahdi Centre, our usual expectations of behaviour will continue to apply for Online sessions. We expect that parents and all children have been informed about this attached Code of conduct and are in agreement with it as they join their class this Saturday and any Madrasah online activity going forward.
Prepare your child: Dressing
An important aspect of preparation for Madrasah is arranging appropriate Madrasah dressing for your child. This is essential for developing the mindset of the child towards the Madrasah programme. Your child should be dressed as if they would be attending Madrasah physically observing the dress code especially the hijab.
Our female teachers will also be observing full hijab. However we ask parents to be mindful that where lessons are being conducted by our female teachers, to the best extent possible only mothers, if required, should be present during those classes.
Prepare your child: Resources: Could you ensure that your child attends the session with the Tarbiyah manual and writing material (Pen/Pencil, Paper).
Attendance: This will be recorded in each class and so our usual attendance policy will apply which includes the monitoring of late attendance.
Report Absenteeism: If your child is unable to attend Online Madrasah then could you kindly notify the Madrasah on the day either by an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000.
If you have any queries related to the Madrasah lessons then please contact the head of the class your child is in. Meanwhile, as has been the case, feel free to contact me if there is any clarification you may need.
We are excited to commence live Taerbiyah lessons as part of our Online Madrasah to enhance your child’s Deeni T’alim learning experience until we reach the time when we can safely welcome all of our students back to al Mahdi Centre, InshAllah.
Together with your support and Divine tawfiqat we look forward to another term of imparting Deeni T’alim to our children, InshAllah.
Request you to kindly pray for barakah and success in this initiative of the Tarbiyah curriculum for our children.
Yawmul Jumah Mubarakah
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat