Back to Madrasah: Summer Term 2018 Update

Back to Madrasah for the summer term! Read on for the update....

Back to Madrasah: Summer Term 2018 Update

Dear Parents,

Salamun alaykum,

Yawmul Jum'ah Mubarakah

Appreciation: The theme that was covered at the assembly held on 10th March, 2018 to observe Wiladat of Sayyida Fatima Al Zahra a.s was selflessness; especially support to the needy and orphans by this exalted noble lady of light. On the day the care for orphans especially the children who have lost a parent /s due to the conflicts in Syria was highlighted.

One cannot even begin to imagine some of the hardships which orphans, especially the children, have suffered and are still suffering as they seek to live on with daily life amongst the conflict in their homelands.

MashAllah the total amount contributed on the day by the students was £280.40. This collection has been presented to the World Federation towards the Lady Zaynab Helping Hands Project for Syria Relief. This could not have been done without your encouragement to children to make this generous donation. Shukran.

Back to Madrasah:

Please see the Madrasah timetable for the Summer Term commencing from 21st April, 2018, InshAllah.

Kindly note the following important dates:

Assembly: On 28th April, 2018, there will be an assembly to celebrate the wiladat of our beloved 12th Imam Az Zaman A.F. You are all invited to join the event from 3:50pm -4:30pm. Your attendance will boost the children.
Teacher development day: 12th May, 2018, there will be no Madrasah. The Madrasah places great importance to development of volunteers who devote time to serve as teachers. This time the teacher development day will be in form of a 3 day Teachers Skills Programme (TSP). It is planned to hold the first 2 days of the TSP on 12th and 13th May while the third day, which will be a micro-teach session, will be held on Sunday 24th June,2018. This is a bespoke event specifically crafted for Madrasah teachers' development.
Invitation: If any of you are interested to attend above TSP session kindly let me know soonest. Participation will be based on availability of spaces. Please pray for the success of hosting this event.
Shahru Ramadhan: As it is expected to commence from 17th May, there will be no Madrasah session from 19th May to 16th June, 2018.
End of Academic Year 2017 /18: The last day of Madrasah for the term will be on 14th July, 2018, InshAllah.

Youth Dua: During Shahru Ramadhan there will be special youth dua sessions where children will be learning recitation of various duas. These are usually held on weekdays (except Thursday) from 6:30pm. More details will be circulated later.

Prepare your child for Madrasah - Dressing: An important aspect of preparation for Madrasah is arranging appropriate Madrasah dressing for your child. The dressing befitting for Madrasah is essential for developing the mindset of the child towards the Madrasah programme.

We would like to once again draw your attention to the dressing for Madrasah and the Attendance policy. View them here. Request you to kindly familiarise with them.

Prepare your child for Madrasah - Resources: It has been noted that some children do not bring learning resources such as the Tarbiyah Manual or writing materials to the Madrasah. Failing to bring any of these resources does affect the participation of the student in class. The books are part of the resources to be utilised by the child during the lesson. Could you ensure that your child attends with writing material (Pen/Pencil, Paper), the Tarbiyah manual and a bag for the books.

Dua after Dhuhrayn Salat: All children of Qamar class and above attending Dhuhray Salatul Jamat sessions had been set an assignment prior to the December 2017 holidays. They are required to fluently recite duas of taqibat after Dhuhrayn salat. Additional challenge is to memorise the 2 duas. Assessments are ongoing. The target is to enable the group to be able to recite duas of taqibat after Dhuhrayn salat. I continue to have meetings with parents to discuss progress in recitation. You are requested to support your child in this task.

Wessex Jamaat Qur'an Hifdh (Memorization) Competition:

The competition will InshAllah be conducted during the forthcoming Shahru Ramadhan 1439 A.H. – May/June 2018. Please encourage your child to take part in this event. Last day for registration is Sunday 20th May, 2018. Additional details being circulated by separate email. See more information here.

Mobile Phones: Whilst we appreciate the need for some children to carry mobile phones to Madrasah it is essential that the phones are not utilised during the Madrasah session. If necessary pupils may bring their mobile phone into Madrasah under the condition that the phone is switched off and kept away from use during Madrasah. Should a pupil be found using a mobile phone during Madrasah, the item will be confiscated, and the Parent will need to meet Admin team for collection.

Children leaving early: If for any reason you may need to take your child/children home early from Madrasah, you MUST please inform, at earliest on the Madrasah day the Admin team, either by an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000.

When you come to collect them, please do not go directly to your child's class. You are required to meet the Admin team who will then call the child from the classroom. This is important for safeguarding and to avoid causing any disturbance in the class.

Report Absenteeism: Thank you for your co-operation to report absence of your child. If your child is unable to attend Madrasah then could you kindly notify the Madrasah on the day either by an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000.

Meeting with Director of Madrasah: As always I continue to welcome parents to contact me (email /phone) or meet me. To arrange a meeting on a Madrasah day I would be grateful if you could kindly email me earlier. This will enable me plan my diary and also save you waiting time on the day.

Together with your support and Divine tawfiqat we look forward to another term of imparting Deeni T'alim to our children, InshAllah.

Request you to kindly pray for barakah and success in the Tarbiyah for our children.

O Allah bless us in Sha'baan and deliver us to Ramadhan.


With salams andduas,

Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat