Dear Parents,
Salamun alaykum,
Pray that you and your families are in good health.
Mid-Morning Madrasah Session:
Bihamdillah the Madrasah has settled well with introduction of Mid-Morning Madrasah Session from 9:55 a.m. This has been received very positively by children, parents and teachers. MashAllah it is fantastic to see the children and all volunteers excitedly attend Madrasah in the morning session. After assembling for dua in the main hall the children then proceed for Qur'an classes; the first lesson the timetable.
Thank you for your support in bringing about this positive change for the Madrasah.
Back to Madrasah: Term 2 January, 2019:
The Madrasah timetable for the Early Spring Term (Academic Year 2018 /19) can be found here.
Faraj Senior:
Children who had completed Najm, the last class in the previous Madrasah curriculum, were invited to continue attending Madrasah. The positive response has led to set up of Faraj Senior group which operates as an interactive discussion session. A negotiated curriculum is in place where the topics have been identified by the students themselves who have even set the ground rules. The topics of discussion are based on Aqaid, Fiqh, Tarikh and Contemporary topics. The session is convened based on the Androgogy – adult learning- model.
Bihamadillah the sessions run with full force since inception in October, 2018. The enthusiasm shown by the attendees is commendable. The key objective is to provide space for the youths to engage in inquiry. This develops confidence of eiman in the youths to apply the lessons learnt in madrasah and to live a life of devotion.
Appreciation to Br Jamil Bandali for taking lead on this group. Shukran.
If your child had been attending Najm you may wish to encourage them to join the Faraj Senior Group.
Tarbiyah Curriculum:
As per the plan adopted for delivering the curriculum over a two- year period, the Odd numbered modules (1,3,5, and 7) are being taught during the current academic year 2018/19.
Student Manuals:
The new manuals for Modules 5/6 and 7/8 will be issued to the students on completing Modules 1 and 3.
Soon students will embark on studying Modules 5 and 7. At that time they will not be required to bring the books of modules 1 / 2 and 3 /4 which had been issued in September, 2018.Please store them safely as these will be required the next academic year when the even numbered modules (2,4,6 and 8) will be delivered, InshAllah. This is so as the student manuals consist of two modules bound in each set printed by the MCE.
For any loss or damage books, replacements will need to be paid for.
Prepare your child for Madrasah: It has been noted that some children do not bring the Qur'an learning book or Tarbiyah Manual to the Madrasah. Failing to bring any of the books affects the participation of the student in class. The books are part of the resources to be utilised by the child during the lesson. Could you ensure that your child attends with writing material (Pen/Pencil, Paper), the Qur'an learning book ,Tarbiyah manual and a bag for the books.
Dua after Maghribayn Salat: All children attending Salatul Jamat had been set an assignment prior to the December holidays. They are required to fluently recite duas of taqibat after Maghribayn salat. Additional challenge is to memorise the 2 duas.
Further students who had not yet completed previous year's assignment of Dhuhrayn duas are required to do so. Assessment will be done this term. You are requested to support your child in this task.
Mobile Phones: Whilst we appreciate the need for some children to carry mobile phones to Madrasah it is essential that the phones are not utilised during the Madrasah session. If necessary pupils may bring their mobile phone into Madrasah under the condition that the phone is switched off and kept away from use during Madrasah. Should a pupil be found using a mobile phone during Madrasah, the item will be confiscated, and the Parent will need to meet Admin team for collection.
Attendance: Every child is expected to attend Madrasah regularly and on time. Madrasah meets only once a week so a single absence can definitely affect your child's progress in Deeni Talim. You will agree that absenteeism does affect not only the Madrasah programme, but performance of the absent child. You are requested to take this into consideration.
Outstanding attendance: Students who will have attained 90% or more attendance during the Academic year will be recognised at end of year assembly.
The Madrasah day commences from 9:55 a.m. Please ensure that you child is present on time at their respective points either in Bungalow or Main gents hall for the dua session. Thereafter, the first lesson on the timetable, Qur'an classes commences.
Late arrival:
Children with classes in the main building who arrive late are required to first report to the Admin for registration.
Report Absenteeism: It has been noted that a couple of children remain absent from Madrasah without notification. If your child is unable to attend Madrasah then could you kindly notify the Madrasah on the day with reason for absence either by an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000.
When a child is absent without notification SMS text will be sent to parent to alert you on the need to communicate this absence.
Children leaving early:
If for any reason you may need to take your child/children home early from Madrasah, you MUST please inform, at earliest on the Madrasah day the Admin team, either by an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SMS text to 0786 475 8000,.
When you come to collect them, please do not go directly to your child's class. You are required to meet the Admin team who will then call the child from the classroom. This is important for safeguarding and to avoid causing any disturbance in the class.
Reminder: We would like to once again draw your attention to the dressing for Madrasah and the Attendance policy. We seek your support to uphold these practices for the successful operation of our Madrasah. To view them visit the following link:
Request you to kindly familiarise with them. We seek your support to uphold these practices for the successful operation of our Madrasah.
Meeting with Director of Madrasah: As always I continue to welcome parents to contact me either by email /phone or meet me. To arrange a meeting on a Madrasah day I would be grateful if you could kindly email me earlier. This will enable me plan my diary and also save you waiting time on the day.
Together with your support and Divine tawfiqat we look forward to another term of imparting Deeni T'alim to our children, InshAllah.
Request you to kindly pray for barakah and success in the Tarbiyah for our children.
With salams andduas,
Fazle Abbas Datoo
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Resident Alim
Wessex Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat